Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Friday, May 1, 2015

How Optimistic are You?

~~~ Acts of the Apostles 13:26-33 ~~~ Psalm 2 ~~~ John 14:1-6 ~~~

Do not let your hearts be troubled. 

The disciples following Jesus expressed their concern
 and confusion about the future without him.

He calms their fears with the promise
 that they will be able to come after him...
He assures them that they do indeed 
know the way because they know him.
When you have a relationship with Jesus...
when you love Jesus
the way will become clear.

The Spirit, sent down to them will be their guiding light.
We have this same guiding light from the Spirit.
Knowing the way, does not always insure
 that one will choose to follow the path.

Do not let your hearts be troubled. 

Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life...
All who come to the Father must come through Jesus, the Son.

There is no reason to have troubled hearts...
Julian of Norwich offers us the best mantra for our soul in her words...
all will be well and all manner of things will be well.

Some have considered her to be radically optimistic, 
but this expresses her sustaining love of God.
Julian heard God's comforting words 

God is all goodness and he only wants to give us this pure goodness.

When stress rises within your heart cling to these words of well-being.
Jesus is with us in all ways in all things.
Turn to in him.

Optimism in God is not radical it is real.

Peace be with you
in all manner of all things.
Do not be afraid.

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