Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Is Loss Necessary?

~~~ Sirach 35:1-12 ~~~ Psalm 50 ~~~
~~~ Mark 10:28-31 ~~~

...there is no one who has given up house
 or brothers or sisters
or mother or father or children or lands
for my sake and for the sake of the Gospel
who will not receive a hundred times more 
now in this present age...

Reading this passage from Mark's gospel
causes one to scratch your head.
I have not had to give up my home.
I have not had to give up my loved ones.

The big question remains...
What would you be willing to give up?
As I have written here before, we tend to be
very attached to the things of this world.

Our world is what we know best.
Our world is what we love.
Our world is visible and tangible.

Many times we cry out...
Where are you God?

I cannot imagine giving up my home
 much less the family I love.
The whole concept seems so foreign
until I turn on the news.

So many people in areas around the world
 are being forced to leave their homes.
They are only being able to take with them what
they can carry in their vehicles or in their arms.

Jesus reveals that there will be persecutions
and eternal life in the age to come.

The beautiful fact about our heart is that healing
 is possible even when home and loved ones are lost.
Our God is a God of comfort and compassion.
He never leaves our side.
He gives us the strength to survive
all of our losses.

God alone is permanent...
all else is passing.
Follow Jesus and he will Bless you
in all situations.

It is necessary to loose this world
 before we can gain access to the heavenly world.
~~~ Peace ~~~

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