Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Enlightened Hope

~~~Ascension of the Lord~~~
~~~ Acts of the Apostles 1:1-11 ~~~ Psalm 47 ~~~ 
~~~Ephesians 1:17-23 ~~~ Mark 16:15-20 ~~~ will receive power 
when the Holy Spirit comes upon you,
and you will be my the ends of the earth.

You first received the power of the Holy Spirit
when the waters of Baptism were poured over your head.
The Lord claimed you for himself.
This included the pouring forth of the
Holy Spirit into your soul.
The apostles had to wait until Jesus returned to the Father.
His promise to them was the gift of the Holy Spirit.
The Spirit was sent down upon them giving them
 all that they would need to continue his mission.
Jesus was no longer going to be with them,
 but the power of his Spirit would sustain their faith.

May the eyes of your hearts be enlightened,
that you may know what is the hope that belongs to his call...

We have been called to go forth out
into the world to spread the good news.
Today I was thinking that I am more often
passionate about defending my favorite cruise line
 than defending my Catholic faith.
I can give you many reasons why you should take one
or the other cruise ship,
but when it comes to my faith
 I am often too quiet.
I find this curious about myself.
I really do not care which cruise line you choose.
I do care if you are bashing one cruise line
 when you have never even been on it.

Recently we were seated with some guests that had personal
issues with the Catholic church.
I found myself at a loss for defending
 the decisions of the church that basically pushed them away.

I could only tell them I understood why they were bitter and hurt.
I could only tell them that I was sorry.
I could only tell them that I personally
could never give up my sacraments.

I did not feel like there was anything
I could say that would make things better for them.
I felt bad for them that they had let one past incident
 in their life turn them completely away from the church.

I could tell them many reasons why they should try X cruise line.
But I felt somehow lacking as to why they
should return to their Catholic faith.

Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to the apostles,
which he did. They in turn received many gifts.
They were able to heal and speak in tongues.

The best I can do is to live my life
 from the core faith that I have.
The best I can do is to love you
 even when you bash the Catholic faith,
that I love.

I may not be able to convert you, but maybe
 I can give you a better vision...a more positive
experience with a practicing Catholic.

I pray that my evangelizing is more
 about my actions than my words.

Go and teach all nations, says the Lord;
I am with you always, until the end of the world.

May the Blessings of the Lord
bring you hope.
He is with us until the end of time.

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