Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Was Jesus Just a Novelty?

~~~ Acts of the Apostles 16:1-10 ~~~ Psalm 100 ~~~ 
~~~ John 15:18-21 ~~~

...because you do not belong to the world,
and I have chosen you out of the world,
the world hates you.

Each time members of the early church encountered obstacles
they were given direction from God.

Jesus came to earth but he never belonged to our world.
He never relinquished his heavenly world.
Jesus brought with himself while here
 in our world a portion of his heavenly world.
A world in which much of our world was not ready to accept.
They found Jesus to be a novelty...a curiosity to some...
a threat to others. 

The world hated Jesus because he was not of this world.

The truth is we are not of this world either,
because we have been chosen and called by God.
We belong in his world, with him.

For now we look like we belong in this world.
Our soul is disguised in our physical body,
but it belongs in longs to be there.

We act like we belong in this world,
because we inherited original sin.
Instead of having a natural inclination to always being good
we face temptations that tell us otherwise. do not belong to the world...

Many days the world is all that we relate to.
This world seems so real when compared to the heavenly world.
Jesus gave us a peek into the heavenly world,
but it seems so distant and foreign.
It seems so strange to contemplate not having our physical world.

Our entire spiritual journey, which we experience here in this world,
is about getting to the heavenly world.
To reach the heavenly world we must be
willing to give up this world. 

We have been chosen by Jesus
to be in his heavenly world,
but first we must make it through this world.

Jesus has indeed prepared a place for you;
he chose you to be with him from the very beginning.

Keep walking through this world...
Be confident that you can make it to the heavenly world.
The heavenly world is where we belong...
where we have always belonged.

Thank you, Jesus, for claiming
 my soul to be with you.

So Blessed to belong in God's world.

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