Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Time to be Pruned

~~~ Acts of the Apostles 15:1-6 ~~~ Psalm 122 ~~~ 
~~~ John 15:1-8 ~~~

The early church needed some pruning.
It placed emphasis on rituals that, in the long run,
 made no difference.
Their ritual of circumcision
became an obstacle to their new christian growth.

I am the true vine, and my Father is the vine grower.
He takes away every branch in me that does not bear fruit,
and everyone that does he prunes so that it bears more fruit.

If a garden isn't pruned the plants eventually take over the garden.
The plants begin to choke out one another.
Soon all of the plants suffer from the overcrowding.
They cannot get sufficient water and light.
The plants are literally competing with one another
so they all are distressed.
They cannot grow and bear abundant fruit
because their energy is being used just to survive.
They are fighting to stay alive.

When plants are pruned they can put out healthy new shoots...
they can spend energy on making flowers and fruit.
They are more healthy in this pruned environment.

...he prunes so that it bears more fruit.

Just remaining on the vine does not mean
that it is good for the whole plant.
A portion of the vine may be damaged...just barely still alive.
This can happen to us in our own lives.
We can go through the motions of being alive,
when in reality we are barely hanging on.

Outside forces may be contributing to your
 inability to spiritually grow.

Pruning our own life is difficult because we tend to be blind
 to what needs to be pruned.
There are many areas in my life
that would improve through pruning...
I could prune my diet...
I could prune my drawers and closets...
I could prune the use of my time.
This is just a beginning for me.

What needs to be pruned in your life?
How would this pruning produce more fruit in your life?
We tend to cling to the way we have always done something.

Pruning is about creating room for growth.
Pruning is God's way of keeping us more alive in him.

Dear Lord, teach me to surrender to your pruning shears.

Blessings with less...
Blessings of Blossoms.

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