Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Shiny Juicy Temptation

~~~2 Corinthians 11:1-11 ~~~ Psalm 111 ~~~ Matthew 6:7-15

This morning this phrase was highlighted in the homily.

Paul is speaking to the people of Corinth.
He begins by reflecting on the garden where 
Eve was tempted and ultimately succumbed to disobedience.
Her initial pure intentions became corrupted.
The shiny juicy temptation won over her commitment to God.

...from a sincere and pure commitment to Christ.

The question I ask myself is,
How can we protect ourselves from taking the 'apple'?

When does the temptation become greater
 than our sincere commitment?

How can we renew and affirm our commitment?

We can start now to renew
our sincere and pure commitment to what 
has been freely given to us.

freedom from deceit, hypocrisy, or duplicity.

Our thoughts and our words must both
 mirror our sincerity.
 Our words and our actions must be pure.

Eve ended up playing a game with herself...
she did not believe that one simple action would 
damage her commitment.

Perhaps she was not sincere to her own heart.

Years ago I remember being taught to close a letter with...
Sincerely yours...then the signature.
You were committing
 to the words you had written.

But I am afraid that...
your thoughts may be corrupted...

No one can control your thoughts.

Scriptures can nourish our true commitment to love.
Without love our thoughts, words, and actions
can hardly reveal sincerity.

Protect your thoughts with love.
That is our best defense.

No temptation is worth giving up your 
sincere and pure commitment to Christ
no matter how shiny and juicy.

Be strong!