Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Insulation of the Heart

~~~ Acts of the Apostles 15:7-21 ~~~ Psalm 96 ~~~ 
~~~ John 15:9-11 ~~~

I have a feeling that if we had the same joy
that Jesus had we would be delirious.
Jesus tells us that he loves 'as the Father loves him'.
This is a tremendous amount of love.

We also have been given peace;
a peace that can only come from him.
Peace and love from God is more than enough,
but now he is also giving us his joy.

“I have told you this so that my joy might be in you and
your joy might be complete.”

We have posted here about joy before.
What can be added, I wonder?

Without joy we could not experience
 the love and peace that Jesus is giving to us.
It is joy that sustains our soul.
It is joy that keeps our heart flexible to receive his love.
It is joy that causes us to find love where it should not exist.
It is joy that allows us to love others with his love.

Without joy we could not let our heart rest in peace.
It is joy that opens our souls to his peace.
It is joy that makes his peace real in our life.
It is joy that gives us the courage to hold on to his promise of peace.

“I have told you this so that my joy might be in you and
your joy might be complete.”

Only God can desire our joy to be complete...
daily he gives us himself to complete our joy.

Only love, peace, and joy which originates first
with God can be sustained. 
Only that which comes from God...
through God can endure until the end of time.

His complete joy is the foundation
 for all that is good in our life.
Joy insulates our heart from all things
 that would distract us from God.

God has chosen to love you.
God has chosen to give you his peace.
God comes into your heart to complete your joy.

You have every reason to be happy.
Now is the time to share the joy.
Complete Joy comes straight from the heart of Jesus.

Let his joy spread throughout your world.
It has to begin with someone...
why not you?

Blessings of peace, love, and joy.

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