Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Monday, April 30, 2012

The Shepherd Calls Each by Name

~~~ Acts 11: 1-18 ~~~ Psalm 42; 43 ~~~ John 10: 1-10 ~~~
The Gentiles are welcomed through Peter’s dream. Up until this dream legal barriers existed between the Jews and the Gentiles. But now God was enlarging his welcoming mat to include those considered outside the salvation circle. God often speaks in our dreams, would you believe even today.
The Holy Spirit blows where it wills. It knows no boundaries.
Nothing can contain it.
The Holy Spirit inspires, that is what the spirit does. God sent the Holy Spirit to be with us. The Holy Spirit is God’s way of being present with us today in much the same way as it was in the time after the Resurrection.
The Spirit is living in our midst...the spirit makes itself known through various means. I have personally experienced the influence of the spirit on several occasions when preparing days of prayer for different groups. Sometimes something I may say or do touches a person in a profound way allowing the spirit to enter their heart.
Prayers answered can also be a sign of the presence of the spirit. During intense prayer times a person may be slain in the spirit, this is another sign.
Do you ever pray to the Holy Spirit?
A Good Shepherd opens the gate for the sheep to enter. He enters through the gate ahead of the sheep. He calls each one by name and leads them out of the gate. Jesus is our Shepherd. He called the disciples by name and many times he even changed their name to something more fitting to their calling. Jesus calls each of us by name too. He knows your name. Knowing someone’s name is very personal. I used to try and know my student’s names before the first day of school.
If you listen for the voice of the Shepherd you will not go astray. Others may claim to be the shepherd but you will recognize the voice of the true shepherd.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Shepherd's Love

~~~Acts 4: 8-12 ~~~Psalm 118 ~~~1John 3: 1-2 ~~~John 10: 11-18

Peter is emphasizing that no matter how things appear to be; the truth is that all is accomplished in the name of Jesus Christ. Furthermore there is no salvation through anyone else on earth.
Jesus is the stone rejected by the the cornerstone. Every building has a cornerstone. It is an important part of the structure; corners are required to be strong. It is typically the first stone set for the entire building. The cornerstone is often inscribed with the date of construction, the names of the architects, and other significant people’s names.
Since the Word became flesh and died on the cross for our salvation he claims us for his own.
~~~Acts 4: 8-12 ~~~Psalm 118 ~~~1John 3: 1-2 ~~~John 10: 11-18

Peter is emphasizing that no matter how things appear to be; the truth is that all is accomplished in the name of Jesus Christ. Furthermore there is no salvation through anyone else on earth.
Jesus is the stone rejected by the the cornerstone. Every building has a cornerstone. It is an important part of the structure; corners are required to be strong. It is typically the first stone set for the entire building. The cornerstone is often inscribed with the date of construction, the names of the architects, and other significant people’s names.
 Since the Word became flesh and died on the cross for our salvation he claims us for his own. We belong to him...he paid the ransom for us. No one pays ransom unless love pre-exists. Now we may be called children of God.
When the time comes we shall see him as he is...try to ponder that for a few moments. We can only ask the question...What is God as he is?
Even the image of God as the Good Shepherd probably does not do him justice. A shepherd cares for his sheep in every possible way. There is not one thing that the shepherd will not do for his sheep. He leads them, protects them, they know his voice; he knows each one of them by name.
There is no wolf that will get past this Good Shepherd.


Saturday, April 28, 2012

Words of Spirit and Life

~~~ Acts 9: 31-42 ~~~ Psalm 116 ~~~ John 6: 60-69 ~~~
Now we are with Peter as he goes about doing the work of the Lord. Today, just as Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, Peter raises a woman named Tabitha. This news spread quickly causing many more to believe.
God was building up his community of believers.

I join the psalmist in song...
“How can I make a return to the Lord for all he has done for me?”
“I will call upon the name of the Lord.”
The words of the Lord are Spirit and Life. This is so because the Word became flesh and was born of a woman; Mary. Not only does Jesus give us the bread of life to eat the very words he speaks also carry the properties of life. Jesus knew that some who heard...some who walked with and followed him would not be able to believe.
In order to believe you must release your previous understanding about what you thought you knew. Because as we know, God’s thoughts are nowhere near our thoughts no matter how much we would like to believe otherwise.
Jesus will never force someone to believe, not even those who could look into his very eyes...those who could hear the passion in his voice as he spoke. He always allows you to make your own decisions. If you are reading this I could assume you have made the decision to believe, but you may have accidently stumbled upon this blog posting.
Some heard and returned to their former way of life.
If you turn and walk away from God he is still looking at you. He will never turn away from you, even if you try to push him away.
It will not work. His love is greater than we can fathom.

Friday, April 27, 2012

The True Presence

~~~ Acts 9: 1-20 ~~~ Psalm 117 ~~~ John 6:52-59 ~~~
Today we have the story of Saul’s conversion. Saul was not a very nice person yet God wanted him for himself. God knew he would need to take extreme measures to get the attention of Saul. God put Saul on the conversion fast track he did not have to apprentice or spend time studying.
But he did have to lose his sight for three days after which he was more than ready to do God’s will. And there was also the commanding voice of God coming out of the flash of light which knocked him to the ground. God filled him with the Holy Spirit and he began preaching.
Instead of wasting your time quarreling among yourselves just believe what Jesus is saying and get on with you’re the life that you have left to live.
If anyone who is reading these words does not believe in the true presence contained within the Eucharist. Take these verses from the Gospel of John, slowly read them out loud to yourself and ask God to open your heart. Let these profound words marinate your soul.
For if you believe these words although you will die in the flesh you will have everlasting life. The new Bread from above has characteristics like no other bread known to man.
Come to the table; this bread is yours for the asking.
You decide what you want to believe. But first pray with this passage from John.
This Divine nourishment fortifies us for the sending forth.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Eucharistic Bread

~~~ Acts 8: 26-40 ~~~ Psalm 66 ~~~ John 6: 44-51 ~~~
Responding to the angel of the Lord, Philip heads into the desert area of Gaza. God’s plan was for Philip to encounter one Ethiopian eunuch, instruct him and to baptize him. As they came out of the water, God snatched Philip from the side of the eunuch. They did not see each other again. Sometimes God does put people in our lives for only a short period of time. Everyone in your life is there for a reason, not just the people you like. Surprise!
Imitate the psalmist; cry out to God with joy for what he has done for you. Give him praise for he has given you life.
More importantly if we believe in the words of the Father he will draw us to himself. He promises to raise us up on the last day.
The Bread of Life come down from heaven will sustain us for all of eternity.
The Eucharistic Bread, the Flesh of Jesus, is given for the life of the whole world. For God truly does have the whole world in his hands.
Yesterday he told us not to worry, he is watching over us. He has provided himself to dine upon. The bread that was once broken becomes the bread of life for all ages and all peoples.
Take not afraid...I am with you.
Today say a pray for those who do not believe in the Bread of Life.
May God bless their lives as only he can.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Clothe Yourselves with Humility

~~~ 1Peter 5: 5b-14 ~~~ Psalm 89 ~~~ Mark 16: 15-20 ~~~
I have often quoted 1 Peter 5:7 to my friends,
“Cast all your worries upon him because he cares for you.”
This whole reading is rich with the beauty of the inspired word. Spending too much time worrying about what might happen in the future is really a lack of trust. Worrying is also a form of pride because you think that you alone must solve all of life’s problems. I am pretty sure that without the intervention of God the demonic roaring lion will win. Surround yourself with others who are steadfast in faith; we all fight the same battles. We are all tested in the fire.
Peter delivers a powerful message in these verses. I can just imagine when he had finished the people cheered and applauded. His closing is just what you want to hear. “The God of all grace who called you into his eternal glory through Jesus Christ will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you after you have suffered a little.”
With those final words how can you not lay down your worries? He will give as all we need to carry on. So since we all share the same trials greet one another with a loving kiss. Extend ‘Peace to all who are in Christ.’
Joyfully sing of the goodness of the Lord.

Jesus extended his holy powers through the eleven. They were able to keep his promises alive with signs of healing doing many such things in his name.
They went forth and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked through them. Pray for the Lord to work through as he sees fit.
Show us the way to joyfully walk into the light of your countenance, O Lord.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Bread of Life

~~~ Acts 7: 51-8: 1a ~~~Psalm 31 ~~~John 6: 30-35 ~~~
Stephen is the first of the group to be martyred for his unwavering beliefs. Stephen was stoned as he cried out, ‘Lord, do not hold this sin against them...’
This began the persecution of the church in Jerusalem.
Stephen was blunt and to the point with everyone he preached. He was unaware of what it meant to be ‘politically correct’. “ always oppose the Holy Spirit; you are just like your ancestors...” These are stinging words. Most people do not appreciate being compared to another person or group.
We want to be our own person.
As he continued with his tongue lashing they were becoming more infuriated to the point of grinding their teeth. If you are grinding your teeth you are extremely tense, your jaw is rigid. You cannot speak clearly.

Stephen like Jesus surrendered his spirit into the hands of the Lord
at the time of his death.
Now the crowd is tapping into what Moses supposedly provided for the people; namely manna from heaven. They want their own sign. They want to see before they believe.
Jesus says well first let’s get the facts straight. “ was not Moses who gave the bread from heaven; my Father gives you the true bread from heaven.”
Jesus names himself,
“I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger,
and whoever believes in me will never thirst.”
If your hunger and thirst are satisfied you can survive for a long time.
If you have Jesus your stomach will never growl with hunger pains.
If you have Jesus your lips will never be dry and parched.
May our hunger for Jesus grow stronger.
May our thirst for Jesus never be quenched until we rest with him in Heaven.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Stephen: One of the Chosen Seven

~~~ Acts 6: 8-15 ~~~ Psalm 119 ~~~ John 6: 22-29 ~~~
Stephen, one of the seven chosen to be prayed over to serve the community, was filled with faith and the Holy Spirit. He went out and continued to grow in grace and power working great wonders and signs among the people. (Acts 6:8)

Soon his reputation was being falsely attacked with claims he said that Jesus would deliver destruction and change the laws of Moses. Having the face of an angel he fills their heads with the whole covenant history from Abraham on.
Jesus fed the five thousand with bread made from wheat flour, water, and yeast. Later the crowds come seeking Jesus in the same place, but they did not find him there.
They were intent on finding Jesus even to the extent of getting into boats and crossing the sea to Capernaum. Jesus suggests that they are looking for him
just because he filled their stomachs with fish and bread.

Jesus has much more to offer us.
He wants to give us himself in the Eucharist.
He wants to give us the Bread of eternal life.
He wants our souls to be fed not just our physical bodies.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

He Puts Gladness in Our Heart

Acts 3: 13-15, 17-19 ~~~ Psalm 4 ~~~ 1John 2: 1-5a ~~~ Luke 24: 35-48
We are reminded again of the promises from God to his chosen people passed down for many years. God brings forth his promises no matter what; so repent now and be converted that your sins may be wiped away.
Peter makes a strong accusation, ‘the author of life you put to death...’

An author takes pride and ownership over what he or she creates. To be accused of killing the one who authors life it pretty strong language. In spite of what was done God intervened and made all things right again. The words of the prophets had to be fulfilled.
The Lord answers when we call...he does wonders for his faithful one...the light of his face shines upon us...he puts gladness in our heart and brings us to a peaceful sleep. (Psalm 4)

All of these things confirm what Paul teaches...we do indeed have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ. He came in fulfillment of the scriptures to wipe out all our sin. And Paul wants us to know that God accepts our weakness, and wants us to know that he will act as our ‘defense attorney’.
We can never hear he stories from the upper room too many times. The more I hear them and let them sink into my heart the more real they become. I can take myself there. I can hear Jesus saying, ‘Peace be with you.’
Jesus reminds them... The words of the prophets had to be fulfilled.
He reminds them that their part of the prophecies is to go forth from the upper room and preach the forgiveness of sins in his name to all nations.
The continuation of the prophecies was now up to them.
At the end of each liturgical service we too are sent forth in fulfillment of the prophecies. We too are to spread the message of forgiveness and unconditional love.
I challenge you to tell just one person today the Jesus loves them and forgives them.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Nighttime Fears

~~~ Acts 6: 1-7 ~~~ Psalm 33 ~~~ John 6: 16-21 ~~~
The numbers grew to the point where assistants were recruited to take over the daily distribution...these new recruits took over the outreach ministry. This structural change would free up the apostles to concentrate more on prayer and teaching. Seven men deemed holy and wise were chosen. The apostles laid hands on them and prayed over them. The deaconate begins.
Whenever we embark on a new adventure it is normal I think to experience feelings of fear. Sometimes a new adventure is life taking a leap in the dark. You are not sure of where you will land or on what you might be landing.
Are you a risk taker?
I keep a night light on in the living room. I am not comfortable in complete darkness. It makes me feel so uneasy. When I was a little girl I used to be afraid of the man in the moon. My daddy would laugh at me because I was afraid of something he thought was silly. But it was not a silly fear to me at the time.
Sometimes we do not even know what we might be afraid of until we a smack dab in the middle of the fear. Wow, then what!
So the disciples were fishing, surprise, but this night they were out late. A sudden storm forms bring high winds. They are being tossed around in their fishing boat. They are trying to make it back to the shore rowing as best they can in the stormy winds. Their focus is obviously on keeping the boat afloat in the rough waters.
For a moment their fear intensifies when they see Jesus walking on the sea, but his calming words, ‘It is I. Do not be afraid.’ Put them at ease.

They were eager to take him safely aboard; when he delivers them safely to the shore. When you are facing troubled waters in your life, are you able to trust that God will deliver you safely to the shore?
Even as I write these words, I am not sure of my own level of trust in God.
It is easy to write words;
it is something far different to put them into practice.

Friday, April 20, 2012

A Child's Offering

~~~ Acts 5: 34-42 ~~~ Psalm 27 ~~~ John 6: 1-15 ~~~

One of the Pharisees speaks up on behalf of the apostles; stopping their execution. He is thinking, as in the past, the whole movement would soon blow over. They were just to be patient and wait. If they thought this nonsense was just of men then it would soon die a normal death...lack of interest. They foolishly thought this was just a fad and would pass. The apostles gladly accepted the flogging sentence and again ignored the demand to stop speaking in the name of Jesus. Of course they did not comply.

The apostles held tightly to the words of Psalm 27...
“The Lord is my light and my salvation; of whom should I fear?”
“...I seek to dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life.”
They believed these words and it was evident through their actions.
They were so confident in their faith that they nearly mocked the ruling Sanhedrin to their faces. You should be very careful if you ever find yourself in contradiction with the will of God. Fighting against God is not a pretty site. Fighting against God just leaves you empty, alone, and often bitter.
It is far better to be like little children and trust in God’s plan.
Nothing is ever wasted with God. Whatever you bring before God he will use and in fact he will multiply it many times over. Do not ever feel as if you have nothing to offer God.
Remember he fed five thousand with a child’s offering of ‘five barley loaves and only two fish.’ Jesus always gives thanks to the Father first. I think that is the clue to thanks first. Jesus does not worry that the meager offering will insufficient...he gives thanks for the offering that it is.

Come without money...come to the table of the Lord...there will be leftovers.
 Even the smallest fragments together create abundance.

Give to God whatever you have no matter how small or seemingly insignificant
he can and will put it to good use.

The offering of a child was enough to feed five thousand...
How encouraging is that?

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Generosity of the Spirit

~~~ Acts 5: 27-33 ~~~ Psalm 34 ~~~ John 3: 31-36 ~~~
Well the officials soon decided to execute them. Facing death, the apostles insist on obeying God rather than man. The Holy Spirit has reinforced the will of these men beyond normal capacity. So bold were they that they were openly accusing these very officials of putting Jesus to death.
They may have found strength in the words of the psalmist,  "...the Lord confronts the evildoers, to destroy remembrance of them from the earth.”
It is good to remember when faced with adversities to draw strength from the Lord. He is abundant in all that is good. We but need to draw from this pool of living water.
The gifts of the Spirit are not rationed, as John states. We know, however that the ways of the Lord are not our ways. The ways of the Lord are from above. The ways of the Lord are not subject to the whims of societal pressures.
The generosity of the Spirit is boundless. There is a constant out pouring of grace streaming from the Spirit. Our responsibility is to open ourselves to receive it. Just as we cannot put water into a closed container; we cannot make use of this abundant grace with a closed heart.

God the Father sent down his love incarnate in Jesus.
The words of Jesus are one with the Father.
“Behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
Matthew 28: 20

I invite you to sit in a comfortable chair today and visualize your heart opening to receive God’s magnificent grace. Pray to receive the graces necessary to be the person God meant for you to become.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

John 3:16 "God so Loved..."

~~~ Acts 5: 17-26 ~~~ Psalm 34 ~~~ John 3: 16-21~~~
The apostles were busy about the Lord’s work of healing mind and body. The Sadducees could not tolerate this lack of attention; they were so filled
with jealousy. They tossed them in jail again only this time God sent angels to release them to preach in the temple area. I can just imagine the frustrated officials saying to one another, ‘What ARE we going to do with these guys?’

John 3:16
 probably the most quoted verse in the Bible.
“God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son.”
You can find this verse on everything from stationery to t-shirts....from mugs to manger scenes. It is unlikely that we could ever grasp the full meaning of just the first five words much less adding the last seven words.
God’s word through the power of the Holy Spirit brought forth the Son.
The Trinity at its best...for us
Divine Trinitarian Wisdom
Together in unity with one another
they created something that would forever hold our attention.
Love so great can only be returned through loving one another as best we can with all of our humanity.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Does It Get Any Better?

~~~ Acts 4: 32-37 ~~~ Psalm 93 ~~~ John 3: 7b-15 ~~~
We are reminded again of how the community lived together and joined all of their possessions for the good of the others. The apostles acted with great power from the Holy Spirit. Well known people even came with generous offerings and gave them to the disciples who distributed the funds to the needy.
Life was good.
They were living in the joy of the Lord.
Living in Joy makes all the difference in the world. Our society today rarely exhibits joyful living. Every night we are fed a steady diet of crime and violence...hardly what one would consider joy.
Nicodemus is a well educated person. What Jesus is saying to him cannot be learned from studying books. Jesus is speaking of things that blossom within the heart. The works of the Spirit are too mysterious to be captured in words.

We cannot grasp heavenly things, we accept them in faith.
Just as Moses lifted the serpent and cured the poisonous snake bites...
Our Lord was lifted upon a tree, the cross, to cure us of our sinfulness and purchase for us eternal life.
Everyone who believes in him will have eternal life.
Live your life intending to bring joy to those around you.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Spirit of the Living God

~~~ Acts 4: 23-31 ~~~ Psalm 2 ~~~ John 3: 1-8
Released by the authorities Peter and John returned to the people and openly prayed for God to intervene on their behalf.  Believing they were merely the instrument at the hand of the Lord. They prayed for the gift of fortitude and as they prayed the place shook with the power of God. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit.
Those things which one cannot see are more difficult to understand. If I hear an unfamiliar sound during the night I try to listen more intently. My brain begins trying to place the sound with something I have heard before.
Nicodemus, a Pharisee, has a similar problem. He understands what it means to be born of a woman. Jesus was speaking about another kind of birth. He was referring to a birth from above; a birth of the Spirit which comes from God.
The Breath of Heaven remains here with us.
The 'wind' of the Spirit comes upon you without being seen.
Sometimes the spirit comes as a cool gentle breeze you hardly notice, but you know it is there. The ways you look at things are different. Other times the Spirit comes over you with the power of a tsunami. You are profoundly and forever changed. I have most often felt the power of the Spirit during a retreat, even if I am staffing. At times the Spirit is just a subtle brush of a rose petal across your cheek.

May the Spirit of the breath of the Lord rest upon you.
Spirit of the Living God fall afresh on me.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Believing without Seeing

~~~ Acts 4: 32-35 ~~~ Psalm 118 ~~~ John 20: 19-31
The community of believers came together and formed what today we might call a commune. They lived in peace and harmony sharing and helping one another. They were of one heart and mind. (Acts 4:32b)
John addresses his letter to Beloved, because all of us who believe are truly the beloved of God. If we are to claim that title as our own then it follows that we must clothe ourselves in love. God’s love, John reminds us is in keeping the commandments. If we fervently keep the commandments we will live a faith filled life. The Spirit will come to testify in your heart.
We are in the upper room the disciples have sequestered themselves either out of fear of grief. Either way they are finding comfort and safety together.
Jesus appears standing before them...blessing them with peace...a peace that could only come from him. He repeats this blessing to be sure it is heard by each one of them. I am here to free you from this closed space. I am here to commission send you out. And with that the Holy Spirit pours forth with his breath. Your breath comes from inside of your lungs. It is what keeps you living, but now the breath of the resurrected
Jesus is the Holy Spirit.
God the Father sent forth the Son to become human and now the Son sends out the Spirit to fall upon them as breath. We cannot live without taking in air...a breath...We cannot live spiritually without the breath of the Spirit in our soul. Many beautiful songs have been written to this effect.
But wouldn’t you know while this wonder is taking place one person is missing, Thomas. The others tried to tell him about this visit from Jesus, but he just could not grasp what they were saying.

A week later Jesus returns just for Thomas. Jesus cared enough to make another appearance so that Thomas could come to also believe. Thomas was valuable to Jesus. Jesus wants Thomas to believe. Come here Thomas touch the wounds in my hands and side, and do not be unbelieving, but believe.
Jesus will not let one of those he loves be prevented from believing. He will come again...he will try to show you one more time.
“Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.”
My friends, this blessing is for us...we are among those who have not seen yet believe. This blessing is for those who will come to believe in the future.
All that we have been reading these last few days has been written to help us believe with more conviction.
I believe, Lord, help my unbelief!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

No 'Gag Order': Resurection News Spreads

~~~ Acts 4: 13-21 ~~~ Psalm 118 ~~~ Mark 16: 9-15
The officials try to take charge of the conversion events by forbidding Peter and John to speak in the name of Jesus. Peter and John are compelled to spread the good news. They cannot comply with the decreed gag order.
If you have ever spent much time with a mentally ill person you soon figure out that they may not have all of the facts straight. Their mind often plays tricks on them. Things that are not real may seem very real to an emotionally unstable person.
We know that Mary Magdalene had had seven demons driven from inside her. So it is not surprising that when she first reported having seen the risen Jesus; she was not believed. She was not taken seriously.
Later the reports of the two travelers were not believed either. Perhaps they were delusional from the desert heat or lack of drinking water.
Still later Jesus appeared to the eleven while they were eating. Jesus expressed to them his disappointment in their disbelief. He wanted to say, hey guys I told you I would be raised up on the third day....
Have I EVER told you an untruth?
Now that his mission has been completed he sends them all out to tell the ‘whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature.’
This is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad!
You cannot keep this to yourself. It is meant to be shared.
All of you who have been baptized in Christ have put on Christ, alleluia. Gal.3:27
Today join me in praying for all those who live in oppressive societies.
Pray for those who cannot proclaim the good news of the Resurrection.
Also remember in prayer those who have given their life while professing their belief in God.