Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Friday, January 25, 2013

Extreme 'Spiritual' Makeover

The Conversion of Saint Paul
~~~ Acts 22:-16 or Acts 9:1-22 ~~~ Psalm 117 ~~~ Mark 16: 15-18 ~~~
"Go out to all the world, and tell
the Good News."
Just as Paul was commissioned to spread the good news
we too have been given the same calling.
Saul, as he was called then, would have never dreamed that he could be
completely turned away from his persecuting endeavors.
He actively sought out those followers of 'the Way'
and handed them over to the officials as criminals.
You might wonder how in the world God found Paul
a desirable candidate to be in the service of the Lord.
Not only did God find Paul desirable;
he inspired him to preach and write with unbelievable clarity.
Much of the New Testament is attributed to Paul.
Much of what we find inspiring enough to quote today comes from Paul's writings.
Just think how much we would be missing had it not been for Paul.
The story of Paul's conversion gets our attention
 because it is vivid, detailed, and graphic.
We know what it is like to be blinded, even only temporary,
 by bright sunlight.
Your first reaction is to close your eyes in order to diminish
the amount of light entering into your eyes .
This bright light is abrupt and the eyes need time to physically adjust.
Paul needed time to adjust to what had just happened to him.
Not only did his eyes need time to physically adjust;
his soul also needed some time.
The bright light of God had shocked him inside and outside...
physically, spiritually, and emotionally.
God sent a messenger to comfort Paul and to usher him into his new reality.
His new reality was to live for God from then on.
He was no longer living to gain approval from the authorities.
It was no longer important for him to prove his loyalty by rounding up the wayward...
those pesky believers of 'the Way'.
Ananias, acting on behalf of God,
 lays hands on Paul that he might regain his sight.
Ananias did as he was instructed, in spite of having reservations about Paul.
For Paul's reputation had preceded him throughout the region.
He was a person to be avoided lest you risked imprisonment.
Paul's conversion was more like a spiritual triage.
He experienced three conversions...
restored eyesight
inspired words
new heart
Paul's conversion resembled an extreme makeover.
Everything about who Paul thought he was God changed.
God redirected Paul's passion and conviction.
Paul had the strong character traits God could use;
 he just had to convince Paul...
it took the Extreme Makeover to accomplish it.
Remember God looks at your strong traits and uses them
to spread his Good News. 
What you perceive as short comings God can repurpose.
Never underestimate what God can accomplish with your life.
Open the eyes of my heart, Lord.
"Go out to all the world, and tell
the Good News."

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