Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

'Trail Mix' Lesson

~~~ Hebrews 6:10-20 ~~~ Psalm 111 ~~~ Mark 2:23-28 ~~~
Observing the Sabbath as special and holy.
'...As Jesus was passing through a field of grain on the sabbath,
his disciples began to make a path while picking the heads of grain.'
Jesus and his disciples are passing through a field of grain.
They are hungry, so they eat what is available...
the tips of the grain.
It is their 'trail mix' of the day.
There is just one minor problem; it is the Sabbath.
Jewish law has strict guidelines for keeping the Sabbath set aside.
Keeping the Sabbath holy is the fourth commandment;
so how is it that Jesus appears to ignore this law?
Jesus so often challenges the Pharisees, today is no exception.
Is it more important to follow the letter of the law
or to act for the good of the person?
In this case Jesus chose the later...
it was better for his disciples to eat for their
journey was long.
Of course Jesus knew the Pharisees were intently watching his every action.
So picking the grain to eat was not overlooked.
Jesus quickly refreshes their memory with the story of David.
David actually ate of the bread set aside solely for temple use.
This would have been considered far worse an infraction.
So it was not about what they ate or that they ate this grain.
It was only about when they ate.
It seems somewhat trite in today's world.
The Sabbath was to be a day of rest.
Picking grain would have been considered work.
How about today?
Just to attend Sunday services we get into our car and drive.
For some the very act of driving is their work.
Driving a vehicle is their job.
If we follow the logic of the Pharisees just going to the church building
would be in violation of the law.
The Pharisees prided themselves on knowing every letter of the law.
They were the authorities.
They were the ones who were appointed to interpret the meaning of the law.
Thus the plucking of grain on the Sabbath
was in violation of the law.
The laws were very black and white for the Pharisees,
 but not so with Jesus.
Jesus saw the bigger picture.
Within the boundaries of laws were real people.
Real people cannot always be held to the letter of the law.
Sometimes there are extenuating circumstances when a person decides
to make a choice outside of the law.
Not above the law just outside the strict interpretation of the law.
Perhaps keeping holy the Sabbath has more to do with your mental attitude...
is your intention to at least give back to God one day a week.
At least one day of the week to stop and consider all that God has done for you.
All during the week we are harvesting the grain.
When we set aside the Sabbath each week we can take the opportunity
to open our hand and look at what we have.
The Sabbath should be used to retreat if possible from the
extreme business of our daily lives.
This Sunday when you attend Mass bring with you the
tiny grains you have collected during the previous days.
It may be a time to leave them at the altar.
It may be a time to thank God for just the smallest
single grain held tightly in your hand.
Walk with Jesus through the fields
and you are sure to find tiny grains of blessings.

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