Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Sunday, January 20, 2013

God Delights in You

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
~~~Isaiah 62:1-5 ~~~ Psalm 96 ~~~1 Corinthians 12:4-11~~~John 2:1-11~~~
' shall be called "My Delight"...
...For the LORD delights in you...'
Paul writes to the people of Corinth concerning their unique gifts from God.
God considers us his delight so it follows that he would give us gifts.
Just as we carefully choose a gift for a loved one so it is
 that God also chooses gifts for each of us.
The word delight has a special quality when it tumbles from your lips.
The Lord takes great joy in you so much so that he has given you a special talent.
A gift from God should not stay wrapped up.
A gift from God should be used for good.
A gift from God should result in our ultimately returning it to him.
Paul speaks of the different kinds of spiritual gifts.
Each gift is given for some benefit.
God gives gifts that one can use for a good purpose.
When we use our gifts for good in thanksgiving for the essence of the gift
 we then become the cause for God's delight in us.
How do you identify your unique gift from God?
What if you never discover the gift God has given you?
His gifts are many and varied
to list just a few.
Jesus came to the wedding feast at Cana with a special gift.
At his mother, Mary's intercession he gave the gift of transformation.
He transformed the water drawn by the severs into the finest wine.
Even if you think your gifts and talents are nothing special
Jesus can change them into 'the finest' wine.
If you listen to Mary's direction to the severs
“Do whatever he tells you.”
They are words for us too.
If you do whatever he tells you
you will develop your gifts to the fullest.
The glory of God is revealed through transformation.
This transformation of the water into wine was done quietly,
behind the scenes, and without the physical touch of Jesus.
How have the gifts you received from God
transformed your life?
God does bless you in so many ways.

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