Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Living Words "Aha" Times

~~~ Hebrews 4:12-16 ~~~  Psalm 19 ~~~ Mark 2:13-17 ~~~
"The word of God is living and effective,
sharper than any two-edged sword,
penetrating even between soul and spirit,
joints and marrow,
and able to discern reflections and thoughts of the heart.
No creature is concealed from him,
but everything is naked and exposed to the eyes of him
to whom we must render an account..."
This passage from Paul's letter to the Hebrews gives us much food for thought.
Consider the word of God as something alive.
We know that our words have power.
Our words can tear down a person or build them up.
If our words can affect another human being it makes sense that God's words would be much more powerful.
God's word is living because the 'Word' became flesh.
God's word is effective because it delivers the undeniable truth about God himself.
God's word is sharper than a two-edged sword because it
penetrates into our soul.
Striking the human body with a sword would cause great damage to the flesh...penetrating the bone and marrow.
God's word cuts between the soul and the spirit.
God's word cuts into that which cannot be seen.
When the soul and spirit is touched by the living word of God
 there may not be any physical evidence.
No one may be able to tell the difference
until you begin to think and act differently.
I believe it is impossible to not be changed by the living word of God
you truly let this living word rest in your soul and spirit.
Pray for God to give you those individual 'Aha' times where
you hear the words with new ears.
Where for the first time you can hear that God's words are meant for you
at this time on this exact day.
When this happens it is like getting a breath of fresh air.
It is like a veil has been pushed aside.
It is like lighting a candle inside your heart.
Every day someone is touched in a personal way by this living word of God.
If today you hear his voice prepare to have your soul and spirit
exposed and naked before the Lord.
Jesus was able to chose his disciples, even a local tax collector.
These individuals were able to hear and accept his invitation to
'follow' him because his words are spirit and life.
Jesus is the word made flesh.
His words of invitation penetrated into
the soul and spirit
and they responded affirmatively.
How have you responded to God's word?

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