Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

How do You Begin the Day?

~~~ Hebrews 2:14-18 ~~~ Psalm 105 ~~~ Mark 1: 29-39 ~~~
My days in the convent certainly provided the rubrics for a life of prayer,
however it did not give me the real purpose.
Perhaps I was too young and naive about prayer back then.
Let's hope that some forty plus years I have learned more.
The gospel today has three main points I want to focus on:
1. the faith of those closest to Jesus
2. the value in beginning the day with prayer
3. the purpose of going away to pray
The gospel today is the familiar story of the healing of Peter's mother in law.
Jesus and the disciples including Peter were on the road with Jesus...
remember they left everything behind in order to follow Jesus.
This did of course include leaving their families on their own.
When word reaches the group about the mother in law's illness
the disciples wasted no time in urging Jesus to intervene.
They had been witness to his consistent healing powers;
why not now for one of their kin?
And even though Jesus did have much to accomplish he goes with
them to Peter's home.
The disciples had faith that Jesus could and would restore her health...
which he does.
I have always thought is humorous that immediately her healing she gets up and prepares a meal for them. Did they all just have a hunger for a good home
cooked meal. There is nothing quite as good as food prepared by a loved one.
Word quickly spreads that Jesus, the healer. was in town.
Many came and many were healed that night.
In spite of being tired Jesus rises early the next morning to pray.
We did rise early in the convent to pray,
but I did not realize that beginning your day with prayer
gives you center point for the rest of your day.
Calling into awareness the presence of God in your life.
Giving him praise and thanksgiving for being in your life.
When you begin your day with prayer it gives meaning and
 purpose for the rest of the day.
It helps us to carry God with us into whatever that day will bring...
both joys, sorrows, and stresses.
Jesus not only began his day in prayer to the Father;
he also went away to a deserted place.
Once a year it is beneficial to go away for prayer such as a retreat
would provide. For your daily prayer you might need to be a bit more creative.
Setting aside that sacred space to pray is so beneficial.
It predisposes your physical body for prayer time,
but it also prepares your heart and mind.
The rituals or habits we create surrounding this prayer time
are all valuable contributing factors.
Jesus went to a deserted place for privacy and so that he
would not be disturbed or distracted.
This deserted place was known by only a handful of his disciples.
Eventually though even his disciples followed after him
because so many people were waiting.
In fact the scripture states...
“Everyone is looking for you.”
Today join me in exercising your faith as you walk more closely with Jesus.
Begin your day with prayer...inviting God to be a vital part of your day.
Lastly find a space where you can pray without being disturbed and distracted.
Turn off all electronic devices for a few minutes everyday
allowing the time you can set aside for prayer.
Whatever we give our attention to will flourish in our life.
Give attention to God as early as possible in your day.
Be Blessed!

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