Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Sprinkled Freely with His Words

~~~ Hebrews 10: 11-18 ~~~ Psalm 110 ~~~ Mark 4: 1-20 ~~~
This is the covenant I will establish with them
after those days, says the Lord:
“I will put my laws in their hearts,
and I will write them upon their minds,”

he also says:
Their sins and their evildoing
I will remember no more.
 For all those out there who think that they are such terrible sinners
that God could never forgive them
read the above words slowly one more time.
 God wants us to be repentant for our sins,
but more importantly he desires to forgive us.
God wants us to be able to dwell with him in heaven.
God does not hold grudges.
God does not hold on to our sins.
He is, however, a just God.
Just as a parent will reprimand their child, whom they love,
so it is with God...he will reprimand.
He will call us to be responsible for our actions. 
The gospel today is the well known parable of the seeds.
Jesus tells the parable and then goes on to explain the meaning.
He does not want us to miss the point.
Those with him that day did us a favor by questioning
him about this parable.
Jesus was a great storyteller.
If you do not hear the words of God and let them to take root in your heart,
you may never realize the magnitude of the forgiveness of God.
The depth of God's forgiveness surpasses any other. 
We can never repay Jesus for our salvation.
The best we can do is to have faith and believe
in his words of forgiveness,
mercy, and love.
This is where the meaning of the sower and the seeds becomes a reality.
What kind of believer are you?
Do you just hear for the moment and then return
to your unbelieving ways? 
Do you hear without taking the words personally?
His words are just for you.
Are you a rainy day believer?
Are you a sunshine believer?
Be a believer who lets the word of God
speak to your heart each and every day.
Just like the post office motto...
rain or shine God is here for you.
He offers all that he has.
His words are Spirit and Life for your soul.
Picture leaving a wedding reception where everyone is throwing rice
or tiny seeds over the new couple...
this is how freely God scatters his words upon us.
The disciples, the lame, crippled, blind, hungry,
and the scribes and Pharisees were all covered with his words.
They each had ears with which to hear, but they did not all understand.
They each responded in their own way corresponding
to the condition of their soul when he spoke to them.
 How do you respond to the words of Jesus?
Next time you are generously tossing seeds upon a new couple;
think of how generously God's words are falling on you.
You are loved and blessed.
Believe it!

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