Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Friday, January 18, 2013

The Crowded House

~~~ Heb 4:1-5, 11 ~~~ Psalm 78 ~~~ Mark 2: 1-12 ~~~
I do not know about you, but I do not like crowds.
I never go shopping on Black Friday.
I do not stand in line for hours just for a bargain.
The mob mentality is a frightening concept.
And I would not want to knocked down and trampled upon.
This is pretty much how I picture the scene in Mark's Gospel today.
Standing room only...packed like sardines in a can...
the stagnant air inside the room...
the pushing and shoving...
one person breathing down the neck of the person in front of them...
This is the scene we have...all because Jesus was in town.
What were they expecting?
Why had so many come willing to be uncomfortable in a small room?
"...there was no longer room for them,
not even around the door..."
The roof of the house was even being destroyed in hopes of a man's healing.
It was crowded, dark, smelly from the body heat and yet more and more
pushed their way in just to hear Jesus preach.
The synagogue officials were not about to let this 'kid' barge in on their territory.
So they followed Jesus waiting for the opportunity to trip him up...
to catch him making big mistakes.
Well today he gave them more than even they were expecting.
The healing of the paralytic was one thing; but the forgiveness of sins
was way different.
Immediately Jesus caught them off guard...
he read their minds and their hearts.
"Why are you thinking such things in your hearts?"
Once again just as he had done in the temple before his
words and actions
have astounded the whole house.
What would you be willing to withstand a crowd for...
what would it take for you travel miles just to hear someone preach?
I personally have gone all the way to San Diego and Albuquerque
to hear someone I respected speak.
I know someone who traveled to Europe just to hear someone preach.
How far would you be willing to go to be healed?
Would you be willing to be destructive?
Would you wait in the doorway or would you force your way inside?
Just how far would you go?
Some food for thought just for today.

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