Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Making the Commitment

~~~ Hebrews 7: 25-8: 6 ~~~ Psalm 40 ~~~ Mark 3:7-12 ~~~
"Here am I, Lord; I come to do your will."
The Blessed mother, Joseph, Paul, the saints, and even Jesus himself
make this verse more than just words.
This verse is all about what it means to be a disciple.
If we are not here to do the will of God;
then what the ___ are we doing.
Are we here just to create our own comfortable life?
If you are a Christian you know in your heart that you are here to become
the best person you can be to serve the Lord.
Crowds gathered around Jesus...he healed them...
he was carrying out the will of the Father.
Jesus never once thought about his powers
 as coming from any other than the Father.
When he reached out to heal or when someone reached to touch him for healing
he physically felt the power of God leave his body.
Paul writes to the Hebrews of the power of Jesus.
Jesus is always able to save those who approach God through him,
since he lives forever to make intercession for them.
No earthly high priests can ever replace Jesus.
He is the ultimate high priest.
He is the one who sits at the right hand of the Father.
He is the true minister of the sanctuary.
Just as every high priest offers gifts and sacrifices, thus it is also with Jesus.
Jesus made the sacrifice that no other high priest could have made.
He sacrificed his life for each one of us.
Jesus sacrificed his life not only for those who come to know him,
but for people of all time.
No earthly high priest can make such a sacrifice.
In response to the huge crowds Jesus had to retreat to the boat.
It was not in the salvation plan for him to be crushed by the very people he was healing...
the very people his blood would save.
I love the image of Jesus stretching out his hand to touch me,
but I also hold dear the image of my hand reaching out to touch him.
Even just brief touch of the threads of his garment would be sufficient.
Touching a single thread of his clothing
would communicate to him my humble presence.
What a glorious reflection.
"Here am I, Lord; I come to do your will."
I am eager to do your will, Lord.
Please guide me to know your will in my life.
You alone are the holy one.
Can you make the commitment?

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