Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Friday, January 11, 2013

Reaching Out

~~~ 1 John 5:5-13 ~~~ Psalm 147 ~~~ Luke 5:12-16 ~~~
'...Whoever possesses the Son has life;
whoever does not possess the Son of God does not have life.'
Every time we attend Mass and receive Eucharist
we possess the Son, Jesus.
He comes into our mind and body in the presence
of the consecrated bread and wine.
His presence within stirs our heart to new life.
The body demands our attention now.
The body sometimes gets more of our attention than our soul.
Many do not even notice when the heart is starving.
The life we receive from the Son
is the greatest life...eternal life. 
Eternal life that can only come through the Son.
The man stricken with leprosy...
'...fell prostrate, pleaded with him,(Jesus) and said,
“Lord, if you wish, you can make me clean.”
The leper, as we know from scripture, was cured that day.
Jesus reached out to the man and touched him,
something that most people would not have done.
It was too dangerous.
You were directly exposing yourself to this dreaded disease.
The leper took a risk just be calling out to Jesus.
Imagine his surprise when Jesus reached out and touched him.
He understandably could not contain his joyful appreciation.
'...If we accept human testimony,
the testimony of God is surely greater.'
Where does God need to touch your life?
If you call out to him he will surprise you with his touch.
Being among the unclean stricken with leprosy
gave the person reason to despair.
There is no place in your life where God
cannot enter.
Let today bring the touch of the Lord to that place
where you feel less than whole.
Be Blessed!

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