Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

You are Family

~~~ EX 14:21—15:1 ~~~ Psalm (Exodus 15) ~~~
~~~ Matthew 12:46-50 ~~~

The story of how God saved his people from the Egyptians
 is recounted in the book of Exodus in great detail.
Over the years many film makers have taken such scenes as this one
and made grand movies for us.
We love to see all of the graphic details.
Even without the silver screen we get the picture.
God rendered his justice upon the wicked followers of Pharaoh.
At the same time God saved his chosen ones in a magnificent fashion.

Parents will do most anything to protect their children
even if it requires sacrifice on their part.
Parents will come to their children in times of need.
It is our natural instinct.

The Blessed Mother was no different...
She was concerned for the well being of her son, Jesus.

While Jesus was speaking to the crowds,
his mother and his brothers appeared outside,
wishing to speak with him.

Some of the followers of Jesus 
have told Mary that Jesus is in danger.
He has been quite critical of the rulers and others.
It is becoming obvious that his life may be in jeopardy.

When Mary, along with other family members,
arrive to the place where Jesus is preaching
they send word to Jesus.
They want him to come out to speak with them.

If my child was in danger I too would try to intervene...
to talk some sense into him.

Jesus' reaction was not expected...
Jesus responded in such a manner
as to challenge and expand Mary's heart.

He does not send the message that he would be right out.
Instead he looks at the crowd and labels 
them as part of his family.

 ...stretching out his hand toward his disciples, he said,
“Here are my mother and my brothers.
For whoever does the will of my heavenly Father
is my brother, and sister, and mother.”

Jesus stretches out his hand as if to bless the crowd...
he stretches out his hand and gathers them to himself as family.

You too are gathered to Jesus...
You too are part of his family...
You too stand beneath his outstretched hand.

God protected the people with Moses...
Mary came to Jesus because she was concerned for his safety...
Jesus claimed those who do the will of the Father
as his brothers, sisters, and even mother.

You are Blessed...part of the family...
adopted and chosen...
loved, and protected from harm.


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