Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Friday, July 24, 2015

First Three First

~~~ Exodus 20:1-17 ~~~ Psalm 19 ~~~ Matthew 13:18-23 ~~~ 

In those days:
God delivered all these commandments:

I believe that if you are reading this blog you
 are familiar with the Ten Commandments.
This will not be about keeping all ten;
instead more about our relationship with God.

God gives careful details to his people in the first three commandments.
They emphasize our personal relationship with him.
First we must have the right relationship with God...
it is is the foundation.

If our relationship with God is flimsy and whimsical
how can we possibly keep the other seven commandments?
God is the only God.
He forbids us to make idols of other Gods in place of him.

For I, the LORD, your God, am a jealous God...

We think of jealousy as a sin, but when it comes to God
he is to be the one and only.

Because of this he also wants to abstain from taking his name in vain.
God is the creator of all; why do we think it is acceptable
 to take his name in vain?
I have never heard anyone take the name of another person in vain.
No. We snatch the name of the one who made us...
the one who loves more than we can know.
We take the precious name of God and blame everything
 that we do not like on him.

It results in so much wasted energy.
Energy that we could be using to give God
the glory and praise he deserves.

The third commandment is giving us
an excuse to take it easy on Sunday.
God wants us to set aside only one day for him.
What if God decided to only take care of you for one day a week?
What if you could only take your next breath if you
had kept the Sabbath holy?
It does seem pretty childish and simplistic,
but how often do we wait for Sunday just to get more done.

Oftentimes just going to church for the hour seems an annoyance.
We can think of a million other things we could be doing.
I know because I myself have been there.

The rest of the commandments are much easier to keep
if we are focused on the first three first.

Lord, you have the words of everlasting life.

You know the commandments;
what are you going to do with their seeds?

You have the choice...
path...rocky soil.
The only way to cultivate the rich soil
 is to cultivate the rich relationship with God...
Putting God first above all idols...refraining
from using his name in vain...
and finally keeping holy the Sabbath.

The rest of the commandments will not seem
so challenging if concentrate on the first three first.

Blessings through keeping holy the Sabbath.

~~~ Peace ~~~

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