Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Mass Evacuation

~~~ Exodus 12:37-42 ~~~ Psalm 136 ~~~ Matthew 12:14-21 ~~~

They had rushed out of Egypt and had no opportunity
even to prepare food for the journey.

The Israelites were driven out of Egypt.
They had no time to prepare for their journey.

When wild fires or flood waters are threatening your home
you are facing similar circumstances.
All you can do when feeling is grab a few essentials and leave.

The Israelites were not facing a natural disaster,
they were facing hateful people.
A natural disaster passes with time leaving destruction behind.
Eventually you can return, salvaging what you can.

The destruction the Israelites were fleeing was their own death. 
There was no chance of returning to their home.

Not only Israelites left Egypt,
A crowd of mixed ancestry also went up with them,
besides their livestock, very numerous flocks and herds.

Imagine your entire city evacuating
 in the same direction at the same time.
Men, women, children, all races, 
along with all of the pets and live stock.

It would be like one of our modern day disaster movies.
But the exodus was not created for the big screen 
it was real life with real people.

Hopefully you will never find yourself in such a disaster.

They had no opportunity to prepare food...
Being prepared for disasters is widely
 accepted as a wise thing to do.
During hurricane season we are urged 
to have water, batteries, canned food, flashlights etc.

It is good to be prepared for our untimely death as well.
When there is time to prepare for the journey of death,
it is the Eucharist that is our food for the journey.

Everyday we strengthen our relationship with God
 we are, in essence, preparing for our final journey.

Blessed with time to prepare
for our final journey.


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