Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Harvested by Angels

~~~ Exodus 33:7-11; 34:5B-9, 28 ~~~ Psalm 103 ~~~ 
~~~ Matthew 13:36-43 ~~~

 The Lord is kind and merciful.

God described himself to Moses
 as being a merciful and gracious God...
slow to anger, rich in kindness.

Precisely because of who God is he is constantly
 reaching out to us...
waiting patiently 
for us to seek forgiveness.

He knows we are frail...he knows that sometimes 
we fail to be that person he created.
God never created us to be perfect,
but it does not mean we should not keep trying.

In the end when we come before the Lord the angels 
will have already separated us from the others.
God has appointed his angels to be his harvesters.

Both the weeds and the grain are allowed
 to grow up together in the same field.
Of course this translates into 
the meaning of good and evil people existing side by side.

The evil ones pretend to blend in with the good ones,
but on judgement day the angels,
given power by God,
will take away the good from the evil.
Both will be taken before the Lord
to be judged...
The Lord is kind and merciful,
while also being just.

Blessed to be given the time now
 to come before the Lord to seek his forgiveness.

Then the righteous will shine like the sun
in the Kingdom of their Father.
Whoever has ears ought to hear.

As long as you still have one more breath to take
 there is time to return to the Lord.
The gamble is yours as to whether 
you should wait or do it now.
I encourage you to do it now.


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