Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Returned Gift

~~~ Genesis 22:1B-19 ~~~ Psalm 115 ~~~ Matthew 9:1-8 ~~~

Abraham was faithful to God; 
when God called to him he answered.
God asked him to make the ultimate sacrifice.
God asked Abraham to sacrifice his beloved son, Isaac.

When he sent Hagar away he put her son onto her back.
Hagar carried life on her back out into the wilderness.

Abraham took the wood for the burnt offering
and laid it on his son Isaac’s shoulders,

When Abraham went out to the place where God said
he placed the dead wood on his son's back.
Abraham did not yet know what God would say when they arrived.
Perhaps Abraham was expecting to teach his son
how to make a sacrifice to the Lord.
God has other plans.

It is doubtful that Abraham would have chosen
to sacrifice Isaac on the mountain that day.

Abraham and Isaac engage in meaningful conversation
 as they go on their three day journey. 
Abraham talks to Isaac about the importance 
of being faithful to God.
He again tells him the story of how God had Blessed 
him with a son in his old age.
Abraham speaks with a heavy heart
for he knows why he and his son
 are heading to the place chosen by God.

Imagine how heavy was the heart of Abraham knowing
God told him to sacrifice his own son.
I do not know if I could be that obedient.

Abraham was prevented from killing his son
just as he drew up the knife.
God took him all the way to the brink of sacrificing 
his son before he intervened.

Abraham passed the test...
Abraham answered God's unasked question...
'do you love me?'

If you love God,
what are you willing to give up?
Abraham was willing to give back 
to God the gift of his son.

The temptation could have been to ignore God's request...
to happily live out his remaining years
with Isaac.

What gifts have you returned to God lately?

There is a freedom through giving 
our gifts back to God.
God accepts our gifts making 
them perfect in his love.

I will walk in the presence of the Lord, in the land of the living.

Blessings of life saved for you.

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