Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Do You Overpack?

~~~Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time~~~
~~~Amos 7:12-15~~~Psalm 85~~~
~~~Ephesians 1:3-10~~~Mark 6:7-13~~~

 ...take nothing for the journey
but a walking stick—
no food, no sack, no money in their belts. 
They were, however, to wear sandals
but not a second tunic. 

I believe that our airlines have taken 
these verses a little too literally.
When it comes to luggage;
 it seems there is an additional fee for all luggage.
Some carriers are even charging for carry on.
As general rule we all tend to pack more than we need for a trip.
I know we are guilty of taking too much.
Even though I try to downsize my packing,
it just seems to multiple more and more.

I begin to rationalize about this or that item of clothing.
I begin the 'what if' game with myself.
What if...I spill my soup on my skirt?
What if...I sit on a dirty chair?
What if...the weather changes?
We want to be prepared for any 
situation that may arise
so we over pack. 

...take nothing for the journey
but a walking stick—
no food, no sack, no money in their belts. 
They were, however, to wear sandals
but not a second tunic. 

I don't think we could ever travel without money.
Knowing that an ATM machine is readily available 
helps ease the stress of running out of cash.

Jesus did instruct the apostles to wear sandals.
It is the custom in many cultures to remove your shoes
 when entering the home.
Wearing sandals makes it much easier to remove them.
You can quickly slip you feet right out of sandals.

Of course there are many health benefits
 in keeping your bare skin away from the ground.
The apostles were walking many miles each day.
They were walking across the countryside
 along with horses and donkeys.
Allowing sandals was taking care of their health.

Everything prescribed by Jesus
was to make the journey more efficient.
Jesus did not want them to be preoccupied 
with what they might need on their journey.

Jesus wanted them to trust him and 
to rely on his care for them.

The message is the same for you today.
You do not need to carry with you a stuffed suitcase.
Jesus is all you need, along with your sandals and walking stick.

Jesus goes so far as to instruct us to even shake the dust from our feet.
Sandals do allow dust from the road to accumulate on the feet.

There is to be nothing to keep you 
from proclaiming the good news of salvation.

Blessed to be free from extra baggage.
All you need is love.

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