Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Proof in the Fire

Saint Bonaventure, 
Bishop and Doctor of the Church

~~~ Exodus 3:1-6, 9-12 ~~~ Psalm 103 ~~~ Matthew 11:25-27 ~~~

 I will be with you;
and this shall be your proof that it is I who have sent you...

Moses grows in age and wisdom and comes 
face to face with God in a burning bush.
A  burning bush of fire that does not consume...
a burning bush emanating the very voice of God.

Who is this God who speaks from flames that do not consume?
Moses removes his shoes as he approaches and listens to God's voice.
He is being told by God to lead the people out of Egypt.

Moses questions his daunting task only to be assured
 by God that he would not leave him alone.
God tells Moses, I will be with you...

Maybe I am just selfish, but I would love
 to hear the voice of God say those very words to me.
"I will be with you".

Moses does not know at this time just how very long
 it would take for him to lead the people out of Egypt.
He had no reason not to trust God, not now. one knows the Father except the Son
and anyone to whom the Son wishes to reveal him.

Moses did not have the knowledge of the Son, Jesus,
but God did reveal his plan to Moses.
God led Moses to a deserted place to reveal himself.
He revealed himself in seclusion, in the living bush...
and in the heat and light of the fire.

The God of all ages got the attention of Moses.

So many people want proof of the existence of God.
Moses was given proof without his asking.
God wanted to make sure that there was no possible
 doubt lingering in the mind or heart of Moses.

Moses saw the fire and heard the voice of God.

God is with you, he will not leave you alone.
In good times and in times of tribulation,
one thing remains...God's presence.

Your proof is also in the presence of God.
He walks beside you each moment of your day...
every day of your life.

May God Bless you with fire in your heart
as proof of his presence.

A heart on fire for Jesus will never
 be turned into ashes.


If you learn everything except Christ,
 you learn nothing,
if you learn nothing except Christ,
you learn everything.
St. Bonaventure, pray for us.

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