Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Are You Ready to Forgive?

~~~ Genesis 41:55-57; 42:5-7A, 17-24A ~~~
~~~Psalm 33 ~~~ Matthew 10:1-7 ~~~

Joseph forgives his brothers for dumping him in the well..
leaving him to die...lying to their parents.

On the third day Joseph said to his brothers:
“Do this, and you shall live; for I am a God-fearing man.

Joseph recognized his brothers right away 
when they came for their portion of the grain.
Since he spoke to them through an interpreter, 
they did not know it was Joseph.

Lord, let your mercy be on us, as we place our trust in you.

Joseph grew into a man of God...a man with compassion in his heart...
a man ready to forgive past offenses.

Many times forgiving family members
 is the most difficult thing to practice.
Forgiving family members mean you must put aside
 your expectations for their behavior.
You must overlook their selfish ways, their rude comments,
their cruel actions toward you.

How was Joseph able to look upon his brothers
with compassion and not utter disgust?

But the plan of the LORD stands forever;
the design of his heart, through all generations.

Ultimately it was the plan of God.
Joseph was to save his family;
just as Jesus came to save his family us.

In so many ways we are not 
much different than those brothers.
They thought they were rid of Joseph for the rest of their life.

How often do you do the same?
How often do you walk away from God
 thinking you are rid of him?

Because God is loving, compassionate, and forgiving
does not mean that we may act however we wish.

Jesus sends out the twelve apostles to find us.
We are the lost sheep.
We are the ones who too often 
put ourselves into the well
without realizing what we are doing.
Yes, you read that correctly...
we put ourselves into the well when we turn our back on God.

Jacob was rescued from the well because he was
 to be the one to save his family from starvation.

You are a part of God's plan.
It does not matter how many obstacles you erect...
or how detours you take.
It is by God's grace that his plan takes form.

The Blessings you receive today
are a part of God's plan tomorrow.


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