Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Monday, May 21, 2012

Take Courage in Jesus

~~~ Acts 19: 1-8 ~~~ Psalm 68 ~~~ John 16: 29-33 ~~~

"...when Paul laid his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came upon them..."

"...Now we realize that you know everything...
you do not need to have anyone question you...
we believe that you came from God..."

"...In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world."

The readings today should give us some consolation for the times when we do not seem to be understood. For years Jesus had been preaching, teaching, healing, forgiving, even feeding the apostles and his disciples, but they still could not grasp his real message.

Finally the 'light bulb' so to speak has come on...they are getting the message.
Oftentimes in my life something I have heard many times finally falls into my heart with new meaning...or rather with the intended meaning.
I am sure you too have had those 'AHA' experiences.

One thing I treasure about scripture is that no matter how many times you hear a scripture passage there comes a day when you hear it with 'new' ears.
You are in a different place in your life. Things have happened to change who you are from the heart...both positive and negative.

We never know what God has in store for us. Scripture truly is the living word of God.
Anyone that believes otherwise is just fooling themselves. The Bible is timeless yet holds a timely message for each of us. No matter what is happening in your life there is an appropriate scripture passage.

I would have enjoyed meeting St. Paul. It is obvious from today's reading that he was indeed an instrument of God. Paul was gifted with powers from the Holy Spirit that he could pass on. I wonder...what does it feel like to have the Holy Spirit come upon you?
Those in Corinth spoke in tongues and prophesied, but does not the Holy Spirit come upon each one of us.

I pray to be open to the Holy Spirit in my life, but I do not speak in tongues nor can I prophesy. What I can do is be aware of when the Holy Spirit is working through me and give him thanks, credit, and praise.
I welcome the opportunity to be the conduit of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus leaves us with such beautiful words in today's scripture...
'...have peace in me...take courage...
I have conquered the world.'

When can come to Jesus with anything and he will understand.
Open yourself to the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

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