Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Freedom in the Spirit

~~~ Acts 16: 22-34 ~~~ Ps. 138 ~~~ John 16: 5-11 ~~~

In Acts today we hear a powerful conversion story of a prison guard.
His job was very important and he took it seriously.
Not only his life depended on how well he did his job,
but his family's well being would have also been in jeopardy
 had he failed in any way.

On this particular occasion all was going as usual...the hymns of praise and worship could be heard from the cell of Paul and Silas...and they were under lock and key.
They even had shackles around their ankles which were staked to the ground.
Suddenly without warning a strong earthquake shook the jail, opened the cell doors, and the chains were all pulled loose.

Now this is the stuff movies like to portray but the guard was in fear for his life that the prisoners had escaped. But to his surprise that was not the plan of God. Instead God wanted to demonstrate his power to the guard which resulted in his conversion.

This conversion story is given to us as one more example of how God went about touching the lives and hearts of the early church. God wants people from all walks of life to come follow him.

The message Jesus came to deliver was for all people not just a chosen few.
We have each been called by name.

In John's Gospel Jesus is addressing the grief of his disciples at just the thought of not having his presence with them. He has revealed to them that he is going to the one who sent him...the Father. Jesus is trying to get them to grasp a very difficult concept...that of the Holy Spirit, the Advocate. He says if I do not leave the Holy Spirit cannot come down upon you.

We know now that the Holy Spirit did come down to the people. We know now that the Holy Spirit is here and will be here for all time. We can no longer see Jesus but his presence is with us through the presence of the Holy Spirit.

As a human person Jesus was limited as to whom he could physically reach, but now all physical limitations are gone. Through the Resurrection the chains of death were broken and the Spirit was sent forth to all.

Just as the earthquake broke the chains of Paul and Silas in the prison.
The movement of the Spirit is free and inspires the hearts of all
who are open to receiving.

True freedom comes from living in the Spirit of God.
True freedom is living in love not in fear.

If there is anything in your life that is keeping you in shackles ask God to intervene. Tell him you must rely on him. Tell him you believe he can free you in mind body and soul. The prison guard had his fears dissolved as soon as he was assured that all was as it should be...they, the prisoners, had not endangered his life
by claiming their own freedom.

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