Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Monday, May 14, 2012

Remain in My Love

~~~ Acts 1: 15-17, 20-26 ~~~ Ps. 113 ~~~ John 15: 9-17 ~~~

Today is the third time we hear these verses of love from the Gospel of John. Why do you think the church gives us this same passage? Is it because we don't listen and pay attention very well? Is it because we are slow learners? Surely there were many other texts that could have been chosen.

I think we have been drenched in these words about love because we need to be reassured over and over again. We need to hear the words over and over again that we are loved by Jesus just as the Father loves the Son, Jesus.

We can never hear too often about God's love for us. If we truly truly believed this about God's love for us we would never want to act in such a way as taint that love.

As a parent I can understand in a small way this immense and lasting love. As a parent you love your children in spite of what they do or how they act.
As a parent loves their child God loves us and then some.

God's love for us keeps the soul alive in a way that no other love can compare. Without this love from God we most likely would not exist or ever would have existed. God's love is sustaining us our every breath.
Without love we would vanish into the thin air of nothingness.
Without love our life would have no purpose.
Without love the human race would disappear.

Today I think of how humbled Matthias must have felt after being discerned to join the twelve apostles in the place of Judas. He must have expressed his gratitude with these words from psalm "Blessed be the name of the Lord both now and forever...He raises up the lowly from the seat them with the princes of his own people."

"Remain in my Love."
Nothing else matters where there is love.
Love does bear all things...

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