Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Friday, May 18, 2012

Overshadowing Joy

~~~ Acts 18: 9-18 ~~~ Psalm 47 ~~~ John 16: 20-23 ~~~

"...your grief will become joy."

Even a devout Christian has difficulty waiting patiently for the joy when in the midst of a time of grief. There are times when you cannot se 'the light' at the end of the tunnel. There are times in grief when you fell trapped inside of a dark cave.
The light of joy must be one of faith. We are asked to believe in this joy through our faith in the promises of God.

"...she no longer remembers the pain because of her joy
that a child has been born into the world..."

Just last night I caught the end of a program spotlighting the struggle and pain of unwed mothers who make the difficult decision to give up their child for adoption.
Having dear friends who just adopted I was compelled to listen as each of these mothers struggled with making the choice. Each of them admitted from their heart they knew giving up their baby was in the best interest of the child. Parallel to their child's best interest was their emotional pain and profound sadness for themselves.

While they were joyful at having given birth to a beautiful healthy child their personal emotional anguish was great. I pray for these women and the courage they have for not terminating their pregnancy. Once you see your child giving him or her up for adoption takes great love.
The adoptive parents too experience emotional pain of waiting for the birth mother's final signatures. It is not until all signatures are obtained before the adoptive parents can breath a sigh of relief and thanskgiving.
Adoptive parents acknowledge tremendous gratitude
for the great gift they have received.

"But I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice,
and no one will take your joy away from you."

This scripture verse is one of comfort for anyone who is mourning and grieving the loss of a loved one. Jesus was talking to the apostles as they were sad about his leaving them. Jesus is saying to them don't be sad it will be alright...I will see you again and when that does happen it will truly be a glorious time.

Jesus closes this section with more words of assurance...
"Amen, amen, I say to you, whatever you ask the Father
 in my name he will give you."

When you are grieving hold on for the Joy.
Ask for joy to be born into your heart.
Wait for the Joy to overshadow the pain.

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