Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Shake off the Dust

~~~ Acts 13: 44-52 ~~~ Psalm 98 ~~~ John 14: 7-14 ~~~

"They shook the dust from their feet in protest against them and went to Iconium."

Things were going well...the good news was spreading among the Gentiles...and then the Jews came along and began to incite the prominent women of the city, and stirred up a persecution against Paul and Barnabas. These circumstances caused them to leave...

"They shook the dust from their feet..."
Sometimes when things are negative and you are feeling persecuted the best you can do is move on leaving the problems behind. To me the message of shaking the dust from your feet is to let everything go carry nothing from the past ahead with you.

Free yourself from the unwanted burdens;
 the useless baggage and move on into your future.
If you leave behind even the tiny particles of dust you can begin with a fresh outlook. It often serves no purpose to carry around those things that no longer serve a purpose in your life.

If the dust is gone the slate is also cleared. What is written in the dust can be blown away even if it is on your feet. When we walk we are either walking toward something better or walking away from something no longer satisfying.

Dust is not permanent...dust is not cannot build upon dust...
When we are faced with disappointments and are hurting we can make the decision to
'shake the dust from our feet' and let it go.

Holding on to 'dust' takes more energy than it is worth.
Next time things start to bug you or get under your skin...
'shake off the dust' and save your energy for better endeavors.

Holding grudges only keeps you feet covered in the dust.

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