Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Monday, May 7, 2012

Gladness of Heart

~~~ Acts. 14: 5-18 ~~~ Ps. 115 ~~~ John 14: 21-26 ~~~

"The gods have come down to us in human form."
The people of Lystra were confused by Paul's ability to heal...gifted to him through the Holy Spirit. These people were only doing what they thought right and just at the time. even though they were misguided they intended no harm.
Paul and Barnabas immediately  recognized that the people needed
to be evangelized into a new way of thinking.

The disciples educated the people about the living God,
 'who made heaven and earth and sea and all that is in them.'
They go on to proclaim how this living God
'filled them with nourishment and gladness in their hearts.'
Worshipping a golden idol would never have the ability
to fill their hearts with gladness.

Paul and Barnabas were living examples of what it meant to have your heart filled with gladness. They were on fire for the Lord...proclaiming the good news...their healing ability was directly related to their heart full of gladness for the Lord.
when you are filled with gladness for the Lord you want to break out in dance and song. It is not possible to contain true gladness of heart.
Gladness of the heart radiates through your is is undeniable.
I have witnessed it first hand myself especially
at the end of a retreat weekend experience.

When you love God and he comes to dwell within your very being...gladness of heart keeps you nourished by the Lord.
The Holy Spirit is constantly filling our hearts with gladness for the Lord.
I invite you to share this gladness of heart with those around you...
if not in words then at least in how you look into the face of those you meet today.

Gandhi said, "If you do not find God in the nest person you meet,
it is a waste of time looking further."

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