Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Sunday, August 16, 2015

The Eternal Bond

~~~ Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time ~~~

~~~ Proverbs 9:1-6 ~~~ Psalm 34 ~~~ 
Ephesians 5:15-20 ~~~ John 6:51-58 ~~~

Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood
remains in me and I in him, says the Lord.

How many times have you heard...
You are what you eat.
This is exactly what happens when we
receive the Body and Blood of Jesus...
when we eat and drink from his gift of eternal salvation.

When we consume the very body and blood of Jesus
he becomes part of our living flesh and blood.
We are the living tabernacles holding his precious body.
It is his flesh and blood that nourishes your soul.
He takes us unto himself every time we receive Eucharist.
He bonds himself to every cell in your being.
This bond goes beyond your physical body;
this bond flows into your soul.
This bond is undetectable with the naked eye.
This bond exists over all of time.

How can you ignore or even deny your body
 and soul such an eternal bond?

It is not necessary for you to try to understand this unique bond
you have with Jesus through the Eucharist.
The mystery of this relationship you have with Jesus
is meant to keep you returning time and time again.

This relationship is meant to sustain you until
 you are perfectly united with God in heaven.
The perfection of the Eucharist enters into our imperfect
bodies and makes us holy.

Who else but our loving God would
allow such a relationship?
We are not worthy to receive him,
but none the less he gives of himself to us.

Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.

Jesus is the Living Bread.
He is the Way the Truth and the Life.
It would be foolish of us to miss the gift he gives of himself.

Accept his gift of life as often as you can receive Eucharist.
It is his true presence within the bread and wine
that brings new life to your soul.
This is the life you long for in the depths of your heart.

Blessed to receive the most precious
Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.


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