Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Friday, August 7, 2015

Fix in Your Heart

~~~ Deuteronomy 4:32-40 ~~~ Psalm 77 ~~~ Matthew 16:24-28 ~~~

I remember the deeds of the Lord.

Memories are kind of strange.
Some things are never remembered
while others are never to be forgotten.

Research tells us that our memories
are not stored in our brain as one unit of information.
Rather our memories must be reconstructed within
the brain each time we remember.
This may explain why over time our memories are less accurate
or even confusing and jumbled in our mind.

Memories are so important to our health.

Years ago Andrew Lloyd Weber included a song
 about memory in the musical Cats.
All alone in the moonlight
I can smile at the old days
I was beautiful then
I remember
A time I knew what happiness was
Let the memory live again

 It is normal to remember our youth as we advance in age.
Our memories some how always seem to improve
with each recall...we were more beautiful
...had more hair...skinny etc.

...fix in your heart...

There are things God wants us to 'fix in our heart'
Things like how he brought his chosen people out of the land of Egypt...
how much he loved his people cared for them, protected them.

Movies often make use of flashbacks
 to catch up the viewers on previous incidents.
I invite you today to take a moment
to allow your mind and heart to wander back.

As Barbara Streisand sings in
 The Way We Were...

Memories light the corners of my mind...
scattered pictures of the smiles we left behind...
If we had the chance to do it all again
 tell me, would we, could we...

God wanted his people to remember that he alone is God
there is no other before him.
There is no other god who could possibly do all that God
has done and continues to do in your life.

Within your memory pages there also lies
the crosses you have borne over the years.
The times when you have followed Jesus
dragging your cross behind.
The memory of your crosses
can allow you to see the fruit they now bear.

It is true some memories are better to be forgotten.
This too is a time to remember how God has loved you.

...the Son of Man will come with his angels
 in his Father’s glory...

On this final day all of our memories will fit together
making the beautiful tapestry of our life.

Blessed in drawing memories into your heart
to experience God's love once again.
Remembering his love.


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