Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Friday, August 21, 2015

A Daughter-in-Law's Love

~~~ Saint Pius X, Pope ~~~
~~~ Ruth 1:1, 3-6, 14B-16, 22 ~~~ Psalm 146 ~~~ Matthew 22:34-40 ~~~

For wherever you go, I will go, wherever you lodge I will lodge,
your people shall be my people, and your God my God.

If you have sons pray that God will send you a daughter in law
half as loving and devoted as Ruth.
Ruth chose to stay with Naomi even after
 her own husband had died.
Naomi lost her husband then she lost both of her sons.
She was literally alone with no one to take care of her.

Ruth stayed with Naomi; a decision made 
from the love in her heart.
God has plans for even our salvation 
beginning way back here with Ruth.

Ruth not only embraced her mother in law,
but all that she embraced...
her house...her people...and her God.
Ruth was a Moabite who promised to stand beside Naomi.

The salvation plan of God was already reaching out
to all peoples.

Ruth may have believed she was staying 
with Naomi out of responsibility and love,
for she could not have known the grand plan of God.

The story of Ruth is a tender and beautiful story
on the surface, but the true meaning is much deeper.

We may take great care in planning a vacation.
We know which is the best route to take.
We know how many miles we must drive each day.
We make reservations for our over night accommodations.
We plan to visit historical places along the way.
We contact family and friends to visit.

All of these plans do not compare
 to what God has in store for us.
Something we say or do today may very well
 be in God's plan for many years from now.

God placed upon Ruth's heart to remain with Naomi.
It was important for Ruth to be wherever Naomi was going.
It was important for Ruth to be with the people of Naomi.
It was of utmost importance for Ruth to receive
 the God of Naomi into her own her own God.

Pray for your sons to be blessed with loving wives.
Pray for your daughters to be loving wives and daughter-in-laws.

Praise the Lord, my soul!

Ruth loved Naomi as she loved herself.
She honored God above all other gods
and she loved her neighbor as herself.

Ruth is a strong role model for us today.

Blessings in all times come forth from love.
Prayers today for all daughters-in-law and mothers-in-law.

 Pope Saint Pius X,
pray for us.

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