Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Have You Lost Sight of Jesus?

~~~ Saint John Vianney, Priest ~~~
~~~ Numbers 12:1-13 ~~~ Psalm 51 ~~~ Matthew 14:22-36 ~~~

“Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid.”

The storms were intensifying...
Peter ventures out onto the turbulent waters
only to have second thoughts.
Peter is always quick to act and slow to think,
this time he was about to drown.
The waves were pushing him under. 
The water was consuming his presence.

His thoughts became consumed with survival.
He lost sight of the very reason he had jumped out of the boat into the waters.

I believe it is safe to say the same thing happens to us.
We have our faith tucked away for bright sunny days.
As long as the waters are smooth and calm all is well.

We can see Jesus on the horizon.
He is with us...we are safe.
The moment we become complacent...the minute
 we take this scene for granted
this is when we start to loose sight of Jesus.

“Lord, save me!”

We can learn from Peter...
He begins to panic but instead he asks Jesus to save him.
Jesus takes the hand of Peter and brings him safely to the boat.

The minute we think we can do thing alone
this is when we begin to panic and sink.

Every day we must make the effort 
to challenge and strengthen our faith.
Start with small things and see how God will respond.

We can always use more faith.
Life is full of surprises.
Reach out to Jesus he will save you.

No storm is too great...
no seas too rough.

Blessed to always remember the Lord's help.


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