Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Monday, August 24, 2015

Greater Visions

Feast of Saint Bartholomew, Apostle
~~~ Revelation 21:9B-14 ~~~ Psalm 145 ~~~ John 1:45-51 ~~~

You will see greater things than this.

In the book of Revelation we are given a beautiful
 description to what might be heaven.
But frankly I prefer to imagine the castles 
portrayed in the movies.
Disney usually does a superb job on castles.

I like these grand castles because
no matter how impressive they can be 
heaven will be greater.
I look for those castle movies exactly for this reason.
I want to wowed by the artist vision...
their creativity.
God gives us the ability to create in many different forms.
No matter what the best among us creates,
there will always be something greater from God.

“Come and see.”

Every day God is saying these very words to you...
Come and see the wonders he has stored up for you.

It is good to see as much of the beauty 
of our world so that we have something to compare.
All of the wonder and beauty nature reveals to us 
can only be a small fraction of what there is waiting for us.

Every time you observe something
 that makes you pause to catch your breath,
imagine what is waiting for you, multiplied ten times.

When Jesus speaks of 'greater things'
we have only what we know for comparison.

The vastness of the universe...the immense galaxies,
all pale to what has been prepared for you.
You and I are not equipped to handle
 the greater visions promised to us.

Your friends make known, O Lord, 
the glorious splendor of your Kingdom.

Whatever goodness you see in others...
whatever goodness you radiate to others...
all of this combined is a tiny piece of the splendor of heaven.

God is inviting us to Come and See...
to Come and See the magnificence of perfect love.
It is His perfect Love that creates beauty 
beyond human comprehension.

You are not invited to understand...
You are invited to be dazzled in his Love.
You are invited to see what illuminated love looks like
from God's viewpoint...the heavenly viewpoint.

Blessed with beauty beyond what we can see.

Saint Bartholomew, the apostle, was martyred for his faith.
We pray to him to intercede on our behalf.


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