Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Monday, August 10, 2015

Are You Cheerful?

~~~ Saint Lawrence, deacon and martyr ~~~
~~~ 2 Corinthians 9:6-10 ~~~ Psalm 112 ~~~ John 12:24-26 ~~~

God loves a cheerful giver.

We hear this so often that it has almost become a cliche.
This verse is used to try to convince people
 to give more money to the church,
or to some fund raiser.
There seems to always be someone who wants your money,
 so why should you be cheerful?

Let's consider what gift you have been given
 that you appreciate the most.
Was it the gift you appreciated the most or was it the giver?
Was it the act of the giver...their generosity?

A gift to be truly a gift must be freely given.
God gave us the greatest gift in Jesus.
Every other gift pales in comparison.

God is able to make every grace abundant for you,
so that in all things, always having all you need,
you may have an abundance for every good work.

If God gives everything we need there
 is no need to save it for later.
There is so much we can give that does not involve money.

The cheerful giver gives of himself or herself.
Each has something to give...
The description of the 'cheerful' giver 
is referring to their state of mind.

Some give without ever considering it to be in a cheerful manner.
Some give for the personal recognition...for selfish reasons.

The cheerful giver is one who gives for the sake of the other.
It is not out of obligation that we give;
but rather out of love for what has been given to us.

To become a cheerful giver you must begin at home.
How are you a cheerful giver with your family?
How you treat your family will ultimately translate
 into how cheerful a giver you are to others.

If you have no cheer in your heart
 it is unlikely that you can be a cheerful giver.

Today I invite you to find a way to be cheerful 
as you go about your daily tasks.
We must practice having a cheerful mindset.

Becoming a cheerful giver is possible.
A cheerful giver gives from the heart.
A cheerful giver does not give to be applauded.
A cheerful giver does not give out of guilt.

A cheerful giver gives 
because God first gave freely to us.

You have been given the grace to be a cheerful giver.
You have been cheerfully Blessed by God.

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