Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Friday, August 14, 2015

God Teaches History

~~~ Saint Maximilian Kolbe, Priest and Martyr ~~~
~~~ Joshua 24:1-13 ~~~ Psalm 136 ~~~ Matthew 19:3-12 ~~~

His mercy endures forever.

God directs Joshua to assemble all of the people.
God is holding history class in the field.
God has the most accurate viewpoint.
God takes credit for all that he has done 
for the people for generations.

God gives details describing his role in past battles.
He shares these details to let the people know
 he has always been with them...
he has always loved them and cared for them.

God's love and care never waivers.
God names all the tribes that fell under his power.
Who else would have the power to hold back the flowing river waters?

It was necessary for God to teach this history lesson,
because those assembled had not lived it.

God intentionally picked out the situations
 where he specifically intervened.

If we believe that God is alive and is with us today;
then we must also believe that he has intervened in our life too.
What if God would allow you to see the many times
 in your life where he protected you?

The truth is we may never know how our life 
might have been without God's protection.

Do you value history?
When you look back over the years of your life can you
envision times when God definitely was present?
Have you had near misses?
Has an illness been healed?
Perhaps it is God who has kept you from being seriously ill.

Sometimes it is beneficial for someone else
 to help us see how active God really is in your life.

Receive the word of God, not as the word of men,
but, as it truly is, the word of God.

When we read the stories in the Bible
it is a reminder that God
is consistent today just as he was two thousand years ago.
We may not see God parting a river before our eyes,
but maybe a fraction of a second has kept 
you from being in a fatal collision.

The study of history is important because
the past causes the present...
the past gives us a better understanding of the present...
the past gives us an insight into the present.

Biblical history teaches you to move beyond yourself...
to envision other possibilities.
God revealed to the Israelites who they were...
chosen people loved and divinely protected.

We too are members of the chosen people of God.
The words of God bring us peace and comfort.

Give thanks for the mercy of God that has been
 your protection throughout all generations.

Proof of historical Blessings
are continuing today.
You are the recipient of these Blessings.


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