Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

One More Day...

~~~ Revelation 14:14-19 ~~~ Psalm 96 ~~~  Luke 21:5-11 ~~~~

The Lord comes to judge the earth.

On the final day the Lord will return to the earth
 for the last judgement.
The last day has been a part of our future
since Jesus overcame the chains of death.
As long as we have the ability to consider the future
 we will continue to wonder about judgment day.

Speculation about the end time keeps our curiosity alive.
It seems that living in the end time is to be
 experienced by each generation.
Throughout history tragic events cause us to ask,
'Is this it?' Some have even professed to have knowledge
of the date and time of the end.
Of course we know they are frauds
 trying to deceive gullible souls.
Wars, diseases, civil unrest, brutality, all sorts of corruption
give us cause to wonder just how near
we are to the final judgment day.

“Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. 
There will be powerful earthquakes, famines, 
and plagues from place to place;
and awesome sights and mighty signs 
will come from the sky.”

Any reference to the exact time has never been revealed by God.
If we knew the exact day and time or even
just the year of the end
imagine how different our lives would become.

As long as we do not have knowledge of the final day
 we still have time to do better.
Every year at the end of the liturgical cycle we are given end time readings.
These words create a somberness within our souls.
It is fitting that we should have this time
during the week of Thanksgiving.

Now is the time to make a note of our blessings.
Now is the time to acknowledge our intention
 to be more aware of our very life.

We are either living life to its fullest
or we are frightened by the possibilities of the end time.
As long as we have one more day to live
we have one more day to love more completely.
As long as we have one more day God 
allows us to repent for our past offenses.
As long as we have one more day
God expresses his hope that we will turn toward his ways.

Good only wants goodness and love to follow
 us all the days of our life.

“Use your sharp sickle and cut the clusters
 from the earth’s vines, for its grapes are ripe.”

One day God will close this chapter of our existence.
One day life as we know it on this planet will cease to exist.
One day we will all be brought into his presence.
One day we will each be held accountable for words,
 thoughts, and actions.

One day we will either be brought into the harvest
 or we will fall to the ground to be trampled upon.
We desire to be cut from the earth's vine.
On that day the earth will no longer hold
any promise of tomorrow.

On that day everything will come
 into submission to God's justice.
The sickle of the harvester is sharp and swift.

Blessings as we contemplate the end times...
keep in mind all that we have been given.
When the mighty signs come from the heavens
 there will be no doubt as to what is happening.
This day will be unlike any other that has come before.

Held in Attentive Peace.

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