Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Monday, November 24, 2014

...Just Maybe

~~~ Revelation 14:1-3, 4B-5 ~~~ Psalm 24 ~~~ Luke 21:1-4 ~~~

One may ask why such a precise number of 144,000?
This number is  the square of twelve (the number of Israel’s tribes)
 multiplied by a thousand, symbolic of the new Israel
that embraces people from every nation, race, people, and tongue.

Just as believers surrounded Jesus while he was on Earth
so it is also found to be the case in Revelation.
The Lamb has surrounding him his beloved faithful believers.
The exact number is only symbolic in that it includes
 far more than ever before...
it is far reaching to all the ends of the world.
 The joy of those with the Lamb is evident
 through the hymns pouring forth from their spirit.
Any others present heard, but could not join in this hymn.

No one could learn this hymn 
except the hundred and forty-four thousand
who had been ransomed from the earth.

Those who had come to believe were allowed to learn the hymn.
It was the hymn of love for the Lamb who shed his blood.
It was the hymn for the unblemished Lamb of God.

No amount of money could help you learn this beautiful hymn.
The knowledge of this hymn was much deeper.
This hymn was placed into the heart
 of the believers by the one who first sang it.

This hymn was the melody of peace, joy, mercy,
forgiveness, and compassion.
This hymn could only be composed by the one
who had the greatest capacity for love.

The poor widow gave from her poverty and was
blessed with abundance of spirit.
The widow in today's gospel had no intention of trying
 to buy her way into the community;
she simply gave from her heart.

The martyrs we remember today gave their life for loving God.
They paid the ultimate price.
They have joined the group surrounding the Lamb.
They had been allowed to learn the hymn.

Perhaps this unique hymn is already within our souls.
Perhaps every time we act out of kindness...
every time we act from purity of heart...
the hymn rises closer to the surface of our heart.
Just maybe, when our last day comes,
we too will be allowed to join the others in singing
this hymn of praise and joy...just maybe.

He shall receive a blessing from the LORD,
a reward from God his savior.

Just maybe the reward from God is the grace to learn the hymn...
the Blessing to receive your heavenly voice.
This hymn is reserved for the ones who surround the Lamb.
It is different than the hymns sung by the choirs of angels.
The angels have always been filling the heavens
 with their songs of praise.

Our song is different...our song reveals just how grateful
 we are for being saved by the Blood of the Lamb.

Spend your earthly days preparing your soul
to learn the hymn.
Let the heavens be filled with our hymns of love.

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