Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Saturday, November 1, 2014

It Can Be You

~~~ Solemnity of All Saints ~~~
~~~ Revelation 7:2-4, 9-14 ~~~ Psalm 24 ~~~ 1 John 3:1-3 ~~~
~~~ Matthew 5:1-12A ~~~

Lord, this is the people that longs to see your face.

Do you want to be a saint?
Hopefully you did not hesitate to confidently answer 'yes'.
You are not required to be canonized
 by the church officials, the Pope, to become a saint.

The prayer of a saint is for God to mold their will into his will.
A saint desires for their union with God to be seamless.
A saint stumbles, falls, gets up and begins again.
A saint faces their shortcomings with humility and grace.

A saint perseveres in the face of discouragement.

Saints walk among us each and every day.
Saints interact with us in a personal way.
Saints inspire us to reach more...see with new eyes. 
Saints show us how to look for God in hidden places.
Saints teach us to listen for God's quiet
voice above the roar of life.

Being a saint is not something that happens to you after you die...
Being a saint is the creature you become as your soul
becomes more and more filled with grace.

Saints do not shy away from sacrifice or hardships.
Saints live with boldness, conviction, and passion
 for the mysteries of God.

Keep your resume up to date.
Heaven is always accepting new Saints...
It could be you...Hopefully it will be you, when the time comes.
Until then keep on loving God as completely as you are able.
Find ways to transmit that love to your family, friends. and neighbors.

Saints are not wimps.
Saints are strong in their commitment to  serving the Lord
with their whole mind, body, heart, and soul.

Do not worry Saints are also not perfect.
Saints stand before God trusting in his merciful love.

See what love the Father has bestowed on us
that we may be called the children of God.

Jesus gave us the Beatitudes to guide us on our way to Sainthood.
It is good that we read them from time to time.
...Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called children of God.

Saints are not opposed to living outside the preset margins.
Saints reach outside the box with their love.

Blessings in cooperation with the Saints
 who have gone before us and those who live among us every day.
~~~ Peace ~~~

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