Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Friday, November 14, 2014


~~~ 2 John 4-9 ~~~ Psalm 119 ~~~ Luke 17:26-37 ~~~

...not as though I were writing a new commandment
but the one we have had from the beginning:
let us love one another.

Whatever the situation God is all about love.
Nothing else really matters.
It seems so simple...
So why is it so difficult to practice every day?

God instructed Noah to build his ark out of love.
If there had been no ark God might have just let all things perish.
But God loves us too much to allow that to happen.
Had Noah not had great love for God he might have just ignored
the order from God to build a big boat.

Blessed are they who follow the law of the Lord!

Everyone and everything outside the ark the day the floods
 came was swallowed up in the waters.
God saw the need to cleanse the earth...a new beginning.
 Lot was allowed to leave his city before God
found it necessary to rain down the cleansing fire.

Oddly enough God proves his love through water and fire.
Today we would call these natural disasters.
We have witnessed the massive destruction from hurricane floods.
We have seen the consuming flames of a forest fire;
reducing everything in its path to heaps of black ash.

All that matters is love.
None of our earthly possessions hold
any value beyond this world.
When we are reunited with God in heaven
 all that is will be love.

Noah could not look out and lament what had been left behind.
He built the ark as God was God's plan.
The day Lot was allowed to safely leave Sodom
God directed he and his wife to not look back.
We know that Lot's wife was so distraught over
what she was leaving behind.
She could not stop herself from taking one last glance.
This last glance cost her her life.

Whoever seeks to preserve his life will lose it...

The day will come when it will be our turn to take our last breath.
On that day hopefully we will have the necessary grace
 to be able to release all attachments to this world.

God may not give us time to build an ark
 or to escape the burning city.
Keeping love alive in our heart now helps us to realize;
nothing we have here on earth has any true value.

Love is the golden rule
  it sums up all of our wants and desires.
The law of the Lord is only four simple letters...
This is easy my friends...don't make it complicated.


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