Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Friday, November 28, 2014

Hidden Within the Fig

~~~ Revelation 20:1-4, 11-21:2 ~~~ Psalm 84 ~~~ Luke 21:29-33 ~~~

Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth.
The former heaven and the former earth had passed away...

God will give us not only a new earth,
he will give us a new heaven too.
Scripture tells us God makes all things new...ALL things new.
It may be easy to imagine our earth to be made new;
we can visualize an earth without suffering...
a new earth without violence...
a new earth without famine...
a new earth without disease...
a new earth without child abuse...
a new earth with loving families...
a new earth with peace among all peoples...
a new earth with abundant sources of food...
a new earth with pure clean drinking water...

A new heaven poses more of a visualization challenge.
All that we know of heaven is already held
within our minds and hearts.
How could God make heaven any better?
Maybe when the last day of judgment comes
even the heavens
 will experience a greater peace.
The new heaven will be filled with people
 from every age and time.
The new heaven will be pure love joy and peace.
There will no longer be the need for repentance
or sorrow in this new heaven.
All that is not of the goodness of God will no longer plague creation.
The new heaven will be the never ending joyful
glorious celebration of the Trinity.

Jesus uses the example of the fig tree in today's gospel reading.

Consider the fig tree and all the other trees.
When their buds burst open,
you see for yourselves and know that summer is now near...

The fig tree is the third tree mentioned by name in the Bible...
Genesis 3:7.

Growing to nearly 20 feet with large leaves,
the fig tree provides shade.
Minute wasps cultivate these trees,
and the fig is produced
before the leaves emerge.
The flower of the tree is never seen,
as its many tiny flowers are housed within the fruit bud.
Two crops are produced each year. The first crop is eaten fresh,
while the second crop is dried for winter. 

While the blossom of the fig tree is never seen the
the tiny wasps inside are hard at work
pollinating the fruit.
The male never leaves the fig dying there.
The tiny females emerge from the fig through a path
created for her by the male.
Later she flies to another fig enters into a similar hole,
culminating her life pollinating another fig.

The new earth and the new heaven will burst forth
as it should be when the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.

Blessings as we contemplate all 'new' beginnings.
Jesus makes all things new...
He prepares to make you a new creation.


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