Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Keeping the Faith

~~~  1 Tim. 4: 1-8 ~~~Psalm 71 ~~~ Mark 12: 38-44 ~~~

So what do you think. Is Paul boastfully bragging or is speaking from a platform of confidence? Here is an excerpt from his second letter to Timothy...

"I have competed well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith.
From now on the crown of righteousness awaits me..."

This passage is sometimes selected for a funeral, with the implication that the
deceased has accomplished these feats.

What does it mean 'to compete well'?
Is our whole life considered 'the race'? Is it only through death that we are able to 'finish the race'? And just who are we competing with anyway?

Is our journey in this life just a competition with everyone else?
A competition to me means you have winners and losers. I myself would like to believe that on our life journey we help each other along the way.

The Hunger Games certainly gives you a graphic picture of competitions.
No, I did not read the Hunger Games books, but I have seen the movie.
It was very graphic and those chosen from their district were definitely
competing with each other. The heroine though shows some real character
and virtue from the very beginning to the end of the movie.

In life I think we have those people who believe what they have been able
to achieve in life is equivalent to running the good race.
Material possessions are often confused with what it really means
 to compete well and finish the race.

I am not even sure if people know today whether or not they have kept the faith.
What does keeping the faith mean to you?
Does it mean going to church once a week?
Does it mean following all of the rules overlooking
the relationship with God part?
I presume since we will be entering into the Year of Faith this Fall
that we will have ample time to ponder what our faith means.

I think, how you keep the faith is very personal. I do not think others can decide
if you are or are not 'keeping' the faith. Because I doubt
if keeping all of the 'rules' is equivalent to keeping the faith.

When life begins to knock you around a bit that is when you begin to examine your faith...that is when you start to question your faith...that is when your commitment to keeping the faith puts you back into the race.

Just maybe keeping the faith means when God knocks you off
of your horse you get up, brush off the dust, and humbly look up to him.

Competing well means getting up. You cannot stay down on the ground and finish the race. If you stay down in the dust you are not believing...
if you don't believe how can you keep the faith.

Others can help you up, but they cannot make you believe that has to come from within...from that gift of faith.

Keeping the faith is about finishing the race. Everyone who finishes the race in faith will receive the crown of righteousness.
Running the good race means living a life aligned with God's divine will.

Certainly in heaven there will be no need for 'crowns' but rather
the desire to love more like God loves.

No, I do not believe Paul is just bragging.
But rather rejoicing in his faith as an example for each of us.
What does your faith really mean to you?

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