Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Thursday, June 14, 2012

First Be Reconciled

~~~ Kings 18: 41-46 ~~~ Psalm 65 ~~~ Matt. 5: 20-26 ~~~

I heard today's gospel verses with new ears. As I have written before scripture is truly the living word of God. It meets us wherever we takes us to new heights and depths of understanding.
The words I most often remember hearing from this gospel are...

"Therefore, if you bring your gift to the altar,
and there recall that your brother
has anything against you,
leave your gift there at the altar,
go first and be reconciled with your brother,
and then come and offer your gift."

Those words had always made an impact on me because it shows how directly connected we must be with our prayer life and our daily life,
We cannot just come to church and pretend all is right in our lives
when we are harboring ill feelings toward another.

If you know that someone is holding something against you;
it just might be up to you to make the first move.
You may be the one who has to reach out in forgiveness and understanding.
And this is often very hard to do...
believe me I know I have been in that place.

I previously thought this passage was referring to actual hatred.
Yes, I know we are to love one another so I usually let this gospel
tumble down beside me.
Hating someone is really not in my nature, no matter how upset I am.

But today the words that popped out to me were those from earlier in the passage...

"...whoever is angry with his brother
will be liable to judgment..."

Anger...what is the driving force behind anger? Why do we hold on to it?
How does it serve us? Is it ever justifiable?

Being angry does not mean that you are ready to kill someone, but it tarnishes your soul. Anger makes you less likely to appreciate even your own relationship with God.
Anger gets in the way. Anger is like a huge weight attached to your heart and soul.

Anger is so huge that we have classes for anger management. Anger left to run unbridled can result in serious consequences. Road rage comes to mind.
Taking one's anger into the car and acting it out
behind the wheel can literally kill someone.
What an awful thought.

Anger cannot be left to its own outcomes, because it has no built in controls.
Anger is like a snowball rolling down hill. It keeps gaining speed and increasing in size until it either hits bottom or crashes into a larger obstacle.
Anger must be controlled from without through a conscious effort and hard work.

Uncontrolled anger can lead us to a place we would otherwise never have ventured.
People say love is blind; well anger takes this concept of blindedness to a whole different dimension.

"...leave your gift there at the altar,
go first and be reconciled..."

Leaving your gift at the altar requires you to think about the other person. Leaving your gift at the altar means leaving your ego there as well. If you do not leave your gift of yourself then reconciling with another is more difficult.

Reconciling without your self means setting aside your agenda, your feeling...your ego. Do not carry anger with you to the altar. It will only make you feel like a hypocrite on the inside; even if only you know.

Anger cannot become a part of one who is completely in love with God.
For our wel-being of mind body and spirit we must train ourselves to let go of anger.
Anger deeply held for years can cause serious health complications.

If you are troubled with anger issues seek guidance. It may take professional counseling. Don't let anger eat up your insides and tarnish your heart.

 The greatest commandment is love
because it is both
easy and difficult to love
depending on the circumstances.

" reconciled...
and then come and offer your gift."

Anger shatters your gift before you are able to give freely of yourself.

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