Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Friday, June 1, 2012

Faith and Figs

~~~ 1 Peter 4:7-13 ~~~ Psalm 96 ~~~ Mark 11: 11-26 ~~~

Today the Gospel of Mark references the 'fig tree'.
The Fig Tree is easy to grow, but susceptible to extreme weather conditions.
Jesus curses the fig tree because it is not bearing fruit.
The tree symbolizes a certain barrenness in this passage.
The fig tree does however have beautiful large green foliage.

If a fruit tree does not put forth blossoms it will not bear fruit.
If a there is no fruit then there is no propagation.
Without propagation the tree eventually dies off.
The large leaves are not sufficient for a fruit bearing tree.
The fruit is why you plant the fig tree in the first place.

Jesus comes into Jerusalem and quickly notices that things are not as he intended.
They in fact are using the temple for money changing and selling of the birds and such to be slain as sacrifice.

All of this commotion on the steps was a huge distraction and deterrent for those who came to worship in the temple. Jesus had higher expetations; his house would be a house of prayer. In spite of what Jesus was preaching Jerusalem was barren; it was not producing fruit just as the fig tree had none.

I think Jesus was looking for results and growth.
You cannot remain indifferent and be fruitful at the same time;
they are incongruent.
The fig tree must blossom in order to bear fruit.

We must do more with our faith than simply sit in a pew on Sunday's for Mass.
To live our faith and be fruitful we must bear fruit in our daily life.
The Lord's house of prayer is where you come to be watered and fertilized so that you are able to go forth to give witness and bear much fruit.
No matter how small the fruit in time it becomes mature...ripe, sweet and juicy.

In order to bud into bloom and bear fruit you must have a deep living faith;
not simply the faith of living green leaves.
The appearance of small figs
 confirms that larger ones will soon come as well.

The question is are you willing to settle for just being a beautiful green fig leaf or do you want to blossom and bear fruit?
We are all capable of bearing fruit...for we have been told....
'all things are possible with God'

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