Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Grace Connection

~~~ 2 Peter 3:12-15a, 17-18 ~~~ Psalm 90 ~~~ Mark 12: 13-17 ~~~

"...grow in grace and knowledge
of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ."

How do we grow in grace?
First you would want to have a relationship with one
who bestows grace upon us; God.
How could you grow in grace if you do not know God?
Furthermore if you are not communicating with God,
 how would you know if you were growing in grace?

Growing in grace directly connects with practicing the virtues
we discussed yesterday.
Growing in grace is staying connected to God
through the teachings of Jesus and the gifts and fruit of the Spirit.
Growing in grace is about following the Good Shepherd,
taking up your cross, and living like you believe.

The more you spend time with scripture
the more you will come to appreciate all that has been done for you.
And the more you understand the gifts you have been given
you will naturally come to grow in grace.

When you answer God's call to follow him you will grow in grace.
When you walk with God or the Blessed Mother at your side
you will grow in grace.
When you love others as you love yourself,
you are growing in grace.

St. Paul, St. Peter, and David are examples of what growing in grace
can do for your spiritual life. Paul was converted and became one of the greatest disciples of Jesus. Even though Peter greatly loved Jesus he denied him three times
yet was able to return to support Jesus.
King David allowed power to cloud his better judgement and yet through grace
he seeks a new heart...a clean heart...he seeks the mercy of God.

Grace leads us into greater communion with God..
the father, son, and holy spirit.
Without grace we would be like a fish out of water...
flailing around on the dock
gasping for air...choked by dryness...
at the total mercy of others for life.

As we grow in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ
we cannot help but to also grow in love and in grace.

But for the Grace of God where would any of us be today?
Grace keeps us desiring to love God more.
If we love God more then we will be a better man or woman...
we will be a true child of God.
Grace is about God's unconditional love for you.

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