Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Who is There Like You, God?

~~~ Micah 7: 14-15, 18-20 ~~~ Psalm 85 ~~~ Matthew 12: 46-50 ~~~

"...Who is there like you, the God who removes guilt
and pardons sin for the remnant of his inheritance..."

If we just took those first three words...
who is there like God
we could spend much time giving thanks and praise to the Lord
for all that he has done for you.

He does not wait for us to meet him half way.
Nothing is fifty fifty with the Lord.
He gives one hundred percent without fail.

The Lord does remove our guilt, we must allow him to take it.
How many times have I held on to guilt from past offenses?
Even after being forgiven we have this unhealthy tendency
to hold on to the guilt for our offense.

Guilt can spoil the most innocent of times in our life.
Guilt can punch holes in the best of times and bring one to
greater sadness in difficult times.

As we are growing up we are taught to feel guilty
when we are not 'being a good girl/boy' but we are not really
taught how to learn from our mistakes and move on.

Eventually we have this huge mountain of guilt
that we do not know what to do with.
This guilt we have kept in reserve keeps us from even believing
that God can make it go away. You may believe with your whole heart that
God forgives us your offenses, but still hold on to the associated guilt.

It is much healthier to let go of the feelings of guilt too.
Learn from your mistakes and move forward.
Forgiveness becomes tarnished when we still insist
to holding on to the guilt or worse shame.
Guilt is like the stubborn stain that just will not wash out.

Help us Lord, to accept your gift of forgiveness
and teach us to release any associated guilt.
"...Who is there like you, the God who removes guilt..."

Certainly if you are found guilty of a crime in a court of law
 there is given a required sentence in reparation for the crime.
In our society guilt serves its purpose when we willingly
chose to break the law.

"...and pardons sin for the remnant of his inheritance..."

A remnant is a fragment, something left over, a small remaining portion.
A fabric remnant is at the end of the bolt.

Are we the people who are the remnants of his inheritance?
We keep falling we keep offending with our selfish self centered
ways and yet he is always ready to forgive.
He is always ready to bring us back into his arms.

He has prepared an inheritance for us and even the smallest
remaining remnant can save us.
Something as small as a remnant of God's love and
grace is sufficient to heal our soul.

The Prodigal Son returned to his father not even having
a remnant of his inheritance left. The father rejoiced at his return,
ran out to meet his son, embraced him,
and wrapped his arms tightly around him.

We have been chosen by God to be his people. 
He "...will again have compassion on us..." each time
we stumble along the way.
We have a God that actually delights in granting us his mercy...
"...Who is there like you..."

How can he not deserve our love in return? We are not worthy
yet this clemency is freely given to us.

For we are now his sisters and brothers; we are no longer strangers.
Give the remnants of any guilt you have to the Lord.
Allow his forgivness to be free of the tarnish of guilt.
"...Who is there like you...God?"

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