Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Seek the Face of the Lord

~~~ Hosea 10: 1-3, 7-8, 12 ~~~ Psalm 105 ~~~ Matthew 10: 1-7 ~~~
Seek always the face of the Lord.
Jesus summoned his Twelve disciples
and gave them authority over unclean spirits to drive them out
and to cure every disease and every illness.
Seek always the face of the Lord.
The response for the psalm today make for appropriate bookends for the gospel verse.
If you want to help others it is necessary for you to stay connected to the Lord.

When Jesus commissioned his disciples to heal and cure diseases,
it was his intention that they do so in his name. No one other than Jesus himself
 had the authority to give this power to another human.
Jesus knew it was time for him to start letting his closest disciples act on his behalf.
He was setting up the structure for his ministry to carry on in his absence.
Just yesterday we heard Jesus say that the people were suffering in part because
 they did not have enough shepherds.

We know from the accounts that in the days following the Resurrection
the disciples were indeed continuing the work of Jesus...
healing and curing the infirm.

They were on fire with zeal to carry on his good works.
They had a strong desire and commitment to keep his love alive within
the context of his ministry of healing.

As long as you seek the face of the Lord you have the ability to accomplish
great things; some of which may include healing.
I would speculate here that this gift would cease if the person began to believe
he/she had the power to heal alone.

If we are to stay the course and seek the face of the Lord,
then we must in the end trust that he will be there.

Recall how Peter was able to walk on the water as long as
he was looking to the face of the Lord, Jesus.

St. Paul confirms for us that we can indeed
do all things in him who strengthens us...
including casting out demons and performing certain healings.

Keep your eyes fixed on the Lord.
Let the light of his countenance shine down upon you.
How will you let the Lord use you today?

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