Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Deserted Time Well Spent

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
~~~ Jer. 23: 1-6 ~~~ Ps. 23 ~~~ Eph. 2: 12-18 ~~~ Mark 6: 30-34 ~~~

I will focus on verses from the Gospel reading today,
but the familiar Psalm 23 deserves a note.

The beautiful Psalm 23...
"The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want."

This psalm gives a classic background of rolling hills of green pastures. 
Beside the green hillside runs a lovely babbling stream.
The sheep are peacefully grazing and all is well in the world.
The shepherds, staffs in hand, are slowly strolling among their sheep.

It is the perfect picture of peace...the world in which we long to live.
But this week we turned on the news and this peaceful ideal scene
was shattered with the violent act of one individual in Colorado.

We inwardly long for the green pastures beside the restful waters even more
when we are faced with tragic and shocking events.
So when you can return to this peace-filled scene of Psalm 23 and rest awhile.

Paul says in his letter to the Ephesians
"...He came and preached peace to you who were far off
and peace to those who were near..."

The gospel today contains a verse we have heard many times before...
"...The apostles gathered together with Jesus...
He said to them,
'Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.' "

God wants us come away by ourselves to rest with him.
He wants to be with us to restore the peace and rest that only he can give.
If we are in a deserted place we are less likely to be distracted and disturbed by
the things of the world. The apostles had been out among the people spreading the word and teaching. If you are engaged in any type of ministry you know how important it is to have some regular time away.

In a deserted place you can be yourself there is no reason not to be.
There is no one to judge you.
There is no one you need to impress or please.

God wants us to separate ourselves so as to have more quality time with him.
He can take us to the verdant pastures and lead us to the running waters.
He can refresh and restore us at the same time;
 if only we will come to the deserted place and rest a while.

They, Jesus and the apostles, (plus you) climbed into the boat
and went off to this deserted place. Jesus ministered to the needs
of the apostles, but he also had pity on the great crowds
beginning to grow along the shore.

Jesus is aware of you no matter where you are...
in the boat with him or waiting on the shore along the edge of the water.
He has many things for you to learn from him
and many blessings for you to receive from him.

There is room for you to join the apostles in the boat with Jesus.
The deserted place does not need to be a desert it can be a
pasture of peace and flowing water.

What will be that deserted place of rest for you?
It can be almost anywhere if you meet one criteria;
make sure you are together with Jesus by yourself.

In this deserted place of rest you will know no greater peace.
Stay a while...return as often as you are able...
it will be time well spent.

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